Eric received a response to his grievance filing within the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) Friday April 29th at USP Atlanta about his improperly applied management variable forcing him into maximum security prison when in actuality he’s a medium/low security designation. He was told by the BOP he has no maximum management variable.
Yet today, Tuesday May 3rd, Eric has been transferred on a bus heading east.
And USP Lee staff (in Pennington Gap, Virginia) have told Eric’s supporters numerous times the buses head for Virginia on Tuesday.
We need to support Eric in having his unit team at USP Lee re-designate him to a proper security level and a prison facility that hasn’t knowingly threatened his life.
The BOP has given contradictory information regarding addressing Eric’s safety, meaning Eric needs eyes on him now more than ever.
One example on file of Eric’s medium security designation:
Yet BOP tells state representatives this:
We cannot allow the BOP to knowingly put Eric’s life at risk. Originally in 2018, Eric was told at USP Atlanta and USP Lee his life would be in danger by white supremacist gangs if he ever did a long stint at USP Lee, and Eric was originally told the dangers of USP Lee shortly after he was attacked by white supremacists at USP McCreary in 2018. The BOP is knowingly putting Eric at risk with these designated transfers 4 years later.
We need supporters to continue contacting the BOP everyday, as well as your district’s Congresspeople and your state’s Senators, to demand Eric’s right to finish his time at a properly designated prison and to not ignore his safety concerns, his lack of mail, his medical concerns needing addressed, access to legal calls, and access to calls with his family. All contact info and an updated letter template are supplied in this post.
Eric has no pending charges, criminal history or disciplinary sanctions qualifying him for maximum security;
Eric was found not guilty March 18, 2022 for assault on federal officer due to acts of self defense, and merely wants to finish his original sentence as smoothly as possible as he’s due for release December 2023;
Eric being placed in segregation is not a guarantee for safety due to a history of being attacked by white supremacists in segregation at USP McCreary in 2018 and housed with known white supremacist gangs in segregation at USP Lee in 2018;
Eric has filed grievances to address his improper designation for maximum security and the threats made to him by white supremacist gangs at USP McCreary, USP Atlanta and USP Lee are documented;
Eric, his family and legal team need proof he does not have an improper management variable and will be properly designated based on his actual security level of medium/low;
Eric has medical concerns including swollen lymph nodes and a potential TBI being neglected;
Eric needs guarantees of access to mail, writing utensils, commissary, and especially communication with his immediate family
More of the hypocritical responses from BOP’s FCI Englewood, Mid-Atlantic Regional office, National office, and the DSCC:
- BOP directly told Eric he IS designated for USP Lee; Englewood’s Associate Warden and multiple Lieutenants at Englewood (including Lt. Quezada) and USP Atlanta have said so
- But BOP told supporters they can’t confirm his designation until he reaches USP Lee
- But BOP has also angrily told supporters this week they “know” Eric isn’t designated for USP Lee and “it’s not necessary for people to keep calling” and the number of calls from “concerned individuals” has been “overwhelming”
- BOP said Eric would be designated for USP Lee because it’s his “parent prison” (meaning a prison he was originally residing in before being under Marshall custody) despite Eric never doing time at USP Lee until AFTER he was in Marshall custody for being attacked in a broom closet at FCI Florence, and “the only way” to address his designation is with his unit team assigned to him at “his designated facility” USP Lee
- But BOP also said Eric should request a case manager to contact the DSCC so they “can have a paper trail” despite not reaching USP Lee yet
- But BOP ALSO said Grady County should send information to various BOP offices on Eric’s behalf before they COVID swabbed him to be transferred to USP Atlanta
- But BOP ALSO had medical offices express concern and say we should address the transfer before Eric ever reaches USP Lee
- But BOP ALSO said Senators and Congresspeople should address their offices before Eric reaches a designated prison
- BOP said Eric’s court records of his March 2022 acquittal/not guilty for acts of self defense when attacked by guards in a FCI Florence broom closet in 2018 wouldn’t reach the BOP for another 45-60 days to address the management variable placed on him FROM THE ASSAULT HE WAS JUST ACQUITTED OF that’s upping his security from low/medium to max security prison
- BOP confirmed Eric would be placed in segregation once reaching his designated prison due to COVID and his “security concerns”
- BOP numerous times has transferred calls to the wrong department, such as medical or financial, or simply hang up on us when attempting to make inquiries on Eric’s behalf. Sometimes we’ve only been able to get past automated messages when other offices, prisons, or operators transfer us
Congressman Joe Neguse’s office as well as Congresswoman Cori Bush’s office have been given Eric’s extensive history within the BOP to enable a Congressional inquiry.
Amnesty International has also contacted the BOP’s director Michael Carvajal: “Transferring Eric King to a maximum-security facility across the country, far from his family and loved ones when he has such a short amount of time remaining on his sentence seems to be more retaliatory and punitive rather than necessary due to specific security concerns. Under Rule 59 of the UN Standard Minimum Rules on the Treatment of Prisoners, “Prisoners shall be allocated, to the extent possible, to prisons close to their homes or their places of social rehabilitation.” The BOP must revisit the issues within Eric King’s security profile which allow his eligibility to be at a maximum-security facility and the decision for him to be placed so far from where his family resides and where he intends to settle upon release.” Please SHARE the letter in it’s entirety here: https://supportericking.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Amnesty-International-USA-TG-re-transfer-of-Eric-King-inmate-number-27090-045-1.pdf
Congresspeople respond to their own constituents, which is specified by your legal address. Senators respond to people that live in their specific state. When calling the BOP, press zero to get to an operator if need be.
DSCC Office
Designation & Sentence Computation Center
U.S. Armed Forces Reserve Complex
346 Marine Forces Dr.
Grand Prairie, TX 75051
Email: GRA-DSC/[email protected]
Phone: 972-352-4400
Fax: 972-352-4395
Mid-Atlantic BOP Regional Office
302 Sentinel Dr.
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 301-317-3100
Fax: 301-317-3119
BOP National Office
320 First Street, NW
Washington, DC 20534
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 202-307-3198
BOP Director Michael Carvajal
Federal Bureau of Prisons
320 First St. NW
Washington, DC 20534
Email: [email protected]
Main public contact: [email protected]
Warden Breckon: [email protected]
Assistant Warden Streeval: [email protected]
Phone: 276-546-0150
Fax: 276-546-9115
Mailing address:
BOP Mid-Atlantic Regional Director James Petrucci
Judiciary subcomittee that oversees the Bureau of Prisons and sentencing:
Links to find your State’s Representatives:
House of Representatives: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
Congress/Senate: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member
Virginia Senators to Contact (USP Lee Jurisdiction)
Tim Kaine
Email: https://www.kaine.senate.gov/contact/share-your-opinion
Twitter: @TimKaine
231 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
PHONE: (202) 224-4024
Mark. R Warner
Email: https://www.warner.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=ContactPage
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarkRWarner
Twitter: @MarkWarner
IG: https://www.instagram.com/senatorwarner/
703 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-2023
VA Congress
Morgan Griffith
Twitter: @RepMGriffithAbingdon
Phone: (276) 525-1405
(202) 225-3861
Missouri Senators (Eric’s original sentencing district)
Josh Hawley
Office: 202-224-6154
Twitter: @HawleyMO
Roy Blunt
Phone: (202) 224-5721
Twitter: @RoyBlunt
Missouri Congress and Members of House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security; Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Prisons
Cori Bush
Phone: (314) 955-9980
Phone: (202) 225-2406
Twitter: @coribush
To whom it may concern,
I am writing about my friend who is a prisoner in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. His name is Eric King, inmate number 27090-045. He was recently found not guilty on all counts at a trial in the U.S. District of Colorado. Eric was moved from FCI Englewood and was transferred from a private facility, Grady County Jail in Oklahoma, to USP Atlanta, where he was put on a bus headed east Tuesday May 3rd. He has been told by numerous BOP staff he is en route to USP Lee, a maximum security prison in Virginia.
I am writing because I believe Eric should not be sent to USP Lee, and would be in danger if he were sent there. He is scheduled to be released from prison in December 2023, and wants to avoid anything that would infringe on this release date.
There is an active threat against his life. A few years ago, before being sent to Colorado, Eric was held in the Segregation Unit at USP Lee for approximately two weeks. Before that, at USP Atlanta, a white supremacist gang member told him he would be killed at USP Lee if he was released into general population. This was documented at USP Lee. Eric was originally transferred to USP Lee and Atlanta under the US Marshalls after he was attacked by white supremacist gangs at USP McCreary.
It is imperative that Eric not be put in harm’s way. The Bureau of Prisons knows this and there is established case law regarding the BOP sending someone into dangerous and life threatening scenarios. See Fitzharris v. Wolf, 702 F.2d 836, 839 (9th Cir. 1983); Gullatte v. Potts, 654 F.2d 1007, 1012-13 (5th Cir. 1981); Roba v. U.S., 604 F.2d 215, 218-19 (2d Cir. 1979).
Additionally, Eric is in this situation because of a bogus maximum management variable on his security profile. This has him erroneously being sent to a facility beyond his actual security level. He has no pending charges and no incident reports. He has no criminal history or disciplinary sanctions qualifying him for placement at a maximum security prison.
He intends to be released to Colorado to live with his wife and his two children in just over a year. We need proof to Eric, his family and legal team the management variable is removed so that he can be sent to a medium- or low-custody prison close to home and begin preparing for release. We also need guarantees Eric will not be cut off from his legal team and family with phone calls or visits or mail, as well as Eric having access to writing utensils, paper, envelopes and stamps.
Eric also has medical concerns going unaddressed, including swollen lymph nodes from unknown causes and a potential TBI (traumatic brain injury).
I am afraid for my friend Eric’s life, and I am asking that you intervene with the Bureau of Prisons and ask them not to send Eric King into harm’s way by sending him to USP Lee.
Please help my friend.
Eric King was COVID swabbed by guards at Grady County Jail in Oklahoma on the afternoon of April 13th, meaning imminent transfer to a federal prison. Eric has been told he’s designated for maximum security USP Lee in Virginia despite being threatened there by white supremacists and BOP KNOWING of this risk.
Eric has made it very clear that doing a “check-in” with BOP or being in the SHU at USP Lee away from general population is not a way to guarantee his safety; he can still easily be isolated in cells with white supremacists, and is at risk for having more extreme mail bans, phone bans, no visitations, and no reading materials. Even if Eric had a slim chance of being shipped to a place other than USP Lee, there’s still risk due to Eric’s extensive history of targeting from white supremacist inmates and prison guards, as well as BOP attempting to keep Eric’s treatment under the radar. We need eyes on Eric now more than ever as he approaches release in December 2023.
On behalf of Eric, Amnesty International’s USA Deputy Director of Research specified in a recent letter to Bureau of Prison’s Director Michael Carvajal about Eric’s recent acquittal at his federal jury trial last March for acts of self defense when attacked by guards at FCI Florence, noted his lack of disciplinary sanctions these last two years, and the known threat to his life if he is placed at USP Lee:
“Transferring Eric King to a maximum-security facility across the country, far from his family and loved ones when he has such a short amount of time remaining on his sentence seems to be more retaliatory and punitive rather than necessary due to specific security concerns. Under Rule 59 of the UN Standard Minimum Rules on the Treatment of Prisoners, “Prisoners shall be allocated, to the extent possible, to prisons close to their homes or their places of social rehabilitation.” The BOP must revisit the issues within Eric King’s security profile which allow his eligibility to be at a maximum-security facility and the decision for him to be placed so far from where his family resides and where he intends to settle upon release.” Please SHARE the letter in it’s entirety here: https://supportericking.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Amnesty-International-USA-TG-re-transfer-of-Eric-King-inmate-number-27090-045-1.pdf
We need people contacting the BOP and state representatives EVERY DAY. This is not a one-time call-in; this is dogged determination to guarantee Eric’s safety. The public could even try to request their own state representatives to have Eric placed in a prison that’s within their state’s jurisdiction, if other state sentators feel they cannot inquire the BOP about Eric’s placement in Virginia, as well as letting them know their colleagues are being held accountable to address Eric’s right to life. We need people to keep emailing and calling the Bureau of Prisons, USP Lee, representatives that are members of The Subcommittee overseeing the BOP, and Virginia senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner. Please see contact information for emails, phone calls and mailing addresses below:
DSCC Office
Designation & Sentence Computation Center
U.S. Armed Forces Reserve Complex
346 Marine Forces Dr.
Grand Prairie, TX 75051
Email: GRA-DSC/[email protected]
Phone: 972-352-4400
Fax: 972-352-4395
Mid-Atlantic BOP Regional Office
302 Sentinel Dr,
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 301-317-3100
Fax: 301-317-3119
BOP National Office
320 First Street, NW
Washington, DC 20534
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 202-307-3198
BOP Director Michael Carvajal
Michael Carvajal
Federal Bureau of Prisons
320 First St. NW
Washington, DC 20534
Email: [email protected]
Main public contact: [email protected]
Warden Breckon: [email protected]
Assistant Warden Streeval: [email protected]
Phone: 276-546-0150
Fax: 276-546-9115
Mailing address:
USP Atlanta (where Eric is currently being held pending transfer)
Main public contact: [email protected]
Phone: 404-635-5100
Fax: 404-331-2403
Mailing address:
BOP Mid-Atlantic Regional Director James Petrucci
Judiciary subcomittee that oversees the Bureau of Prisons and sentencing:
Virginia Senators to Contact (USP Lee Jurisdiction)
Tim Kaine
Email: https://www.kaine.senate.gov/contact/share-your-opinion
Twitter: @TimKaine
231 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
PHONE: (202) 224-4024
Mark. R Warner
Email: https://www.warner.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=ContactPage
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarkRWarner
Twitter: @MarkWarner
IG: https://www.instagram.com/senatorwarner/
703 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-2023
VA Congress
Morgan Griffith
Twitter: @RepMGriffithAbingdon
Phone: (276) 525-1405
(202) 225-3861
Missouri Senators (Eric’s original sentencing district)
Josh Hawley
Office: 202-224-6154
Twitter: @HawleyMO
Roy Blunt
Phone: (202) 224-5721
Twitter: @RoyBlunt
Missouri Congress and Members of House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security; Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Prisons
Cori Bush
Phone: (314) 955-9980
Phone: (202) 225-2406
Twitter: @coribush
Links to find your State’s Representatives:
House of Representatives: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative
Congress/Senate: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member
To whom it may concern,
I am writing about my friend who is a prisoner in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. His name is Eric King, inmate number 27090-045. He was recently found not guilty on all counts at a trial in the U.S. District of Colorado. Eric was moved from FCI Englewood and is currently being transferred from a private facility, Grady County Jail in Oklahoma. He has been told he is en route to USP Lee, a maximum security prison in Virginia.
I am writing because I believe Eric should not be sent to USP Lee, and would be in danger if he were sent there. He is scheduled to be released from prison in December 2023, and wants to avoid anything that would infringe on this release date.
There is an active threat against his life. A few years ago, before being sent to Colorado, Eric was held in the Segregation Unit at USP Lee for approximately two weeks. Before that, at USP Atlanta, a white supremacist gang member told him he would be killed at USP Lee if he was released into general population. This was documented at USP Lee. Eric was originally transferred to USP Lee under the US Marshalls after he was attacked by white supremacist gangs at USP McCreary.
It is imperative that Eric not be put in harm’s way. I am asking that you not send him into a situation that is so dangerous. The Bureau of Prisons knows this and there is established case law regarding the BOP sending someone into dangerous and life threatening scenarios. See Fitzharris v. Wolf, 702 F.2d 836, 839 (9th Cir. 1983); Gullatte v. Potts, 654 F.2d 1007, 1012-13 (5th Cir. 1981); Roba v. U.S., 604 F.2d 215, 218-19 (2d Cir. 1979).
Additionally, Eric is in this situation because of a bogus maximum management variable on his security profile. This has him erroneously being sent to a facility beyond his actual security level. He has no pending charges and no incident reports. He intends to be released to Colorado to live with his wife and his two children in just over a year. I ask that this management variable be removed so that he can be sent to a medium- or low-custody prison close to home and begin preparing for release.
I am afraid for my friend Eric’s life, and I am asking that you intervene with the Bureau of Prisons and ask them not to send Eric King into harm’s way by sending him to USP Lee.
Please help my friend.
ERIC’S RECENT INTERVIEW WITH UNICORN RIOT: https://unicornriot.ninja/2022/eric-king-and-supporters-organize-call-in-campaign-over-transfer-to-usp-lee/
ERIC’S RECENT INTERVIEW WITH FINAL STRAW: https://thefinalstrawradio.noblogs.org/post/2022/04/03/eric-king-speaks-2-radical-ukrainian-voices/
WPLC facebook post: https://tinyurl.com/2t6s5w2x
WPLC instagram post: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cca8h7kp7zs/
Within days of winning a federal court case in Colorado against his treatment at the hands of the Federal Bureau of Prisons staff, Eric is in the process of being transferred to USP Lee, a high security prison across the country in Virginia. Eric, who is eligible for placement at a medium security facility, reasonably fears that this move to Lee is punitive and that once he’s at Lee, he will lose all ability to communicate with loved ones and acess to reading materials.
Eric King needs our help!
Elements in the BOP have already shown their petty desire for vengeance against Eric through multiple instances of him being moved across the country, pitting him against racist white supremacist prisoners, being beaten by guards and suffering years of bans on mail, phone, visitation and books. During the trial, Eric’s safety and health were disrupted, and property for his case destroyed by BOP staff so blatantly that Judge Martinez noted how it would be far reaching to say the disruptiveness wasn’t intentional on the part of the BOP. The judge also noted that the BOP was “setting itself up for a civil suit”, which is currently underway by the CLDC.
In the meantime, Eric needs our help. As Eric isn’t set for release until December of 2023, we need to keep the light on him to avoid Eric being isolated and further harmed. Below you’ll find a script and contact information for public officials in the Federal system who must be pressed to check in Eric’s well being and demand to know:
- Why is Eric King, who is at a medium security level according to the BOP, being moved to a maximum security facility across the country, when Eric has had no disciplinary sanctions the last two years?
- Why is this move coming so quickly after Eric successfully won a lawsuit showing Eric acted in self defense when the BOP was closing ranks, setting Eric up for 20 years of additional prison time, as he approached a transfer and release date in 2023?
- What will you, as a public official, do to challenge the impunity of the federal prisons to persecute prisoners and violate their human rights?;
DSCC Office
Designation & Sentence Computation Center
U.S. Armed Forces Reserve Complex
346 Marine Forces Dr.
Grand Prairie, TX 75051
Email: GRA-DSC/[email protected]
Phone: 972-352-4400
Fax: 972-352-4395
Mid-Atlantic BOP Regional Office
302 Sentinel Dr,
Annapolis Junction, MD 20701
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 301-317-3100
Fax: 301-317-3119
BOP National Office
320 First Street, NW
Washington, DC 20534
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 202-307-3198
BOP Director Michael Carvajal
Michael Carvajal
Federal Bureau of Prisons
320 First St. NW
Washington, DC 20534
Email: [email protected]
Main public contact: [email protected]
Warden Breckon: [email protected]
Assistant Warden Streeval: [email protected]
Phone: 276-546-0150
Fax: 276-546-9115
Mailing address:
BOP Mid-Atlantic Regional Director James Petrucci
Virginia Senators to Contact (USP Lee Jurisdiction)
Tim Kaine
Email: https://www.kaine.senate.gov/contact/share-your-opinion
Twitter: @TimKaine
231 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
PHONE: (202) 224-4024
Mark. R Warner
Email: https://www.warner.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=ContactPage
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarkRWarner
Twitter: @MarkWarner
IG: https://www.instagram.com/senatorwarner/
703 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510
Phone: 202-224-2023
VA Congress
Morgan Griffith
Twitter: @RepMGriffithAbingdon
Phone: (276) 525-1405
(202) 225-3861
Missouri Senators (Eric’s original sentencing district)
Josh Hawley
Office: 202-224-6154
Twitter: @HawleyMO
Roy Blunt
Phone: (202) 224-5721
Twitter: @RoyBlunt
Missouri Congress and Members of House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security; Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Prisons
Cori Bush
Phone: (314) 955-9980
Phone: (202) 225-2406
Twitter: @coribush
Links to find your State’s Representatives:
Judiciary subcomittee that oversees the Bureau of Prisons and sentencing:
To whom it may concern,
I am writing about my friend who is a prisoner in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. His name is Eric King, inmate number 27090-045. He was recently found not guilty on all counts at a trial in the U.S. District of Colorado. Eric was moved from FCI Englewood and has been told he is en route to USP Lee, a maximum security prison in Virginia.
I am writing because I believe Eric should not be sent to USP Lee, and would be in danger if he were sent there. He is scheduled to be released from prison in December 2023, and wants to avoid anything that would infringe on this release date.
There is an active threat against his life. A few years ago, before being sent to Colorado, Eric was held in the Segregation Unit at USP Lee for approximately two weeks. Before that, at USP Atlanta, a white supremacist gang member told him he would be killed at USP Lee if he was released into general population. This was documented at USP Lee. Eric was originally transferred to USP Lee under the US Marshalls after he was attacked by white supremacist gangs at USP McCreary.
It is imperative that Eric not be put in harm’s way. I am asking that you not send him into a situation that is so dangerous. The Bureau of Prisons knows this and there is established case law regarding the BOP sending someone into dangerous and life threatening scenarios. See Fitzharris v. Wolf, 702 F.2d 836, 839 (9th Cir. 1983); Gullatte v. Potts, 654 F.2d 1007, 1012-13 (5th Cir. 1981); Roba v. U.S., 604 F.2d 215, 218-19 (2d Cir. 1979).
Additionally, Eric is in this situation because of a bogus maximum management variable on his security profile. This has him erroneously being sent to a facility beyond his actual security level. He has no pending charges and no incident reports. He intends to be released to Colorado to live with his wife and his two children in just over a year. I ask that this management variable be removed so that he can be sent to a medium- or low-custody prison close to home and begin preparing for release.
I am afraid for my friend Eric’s life, and I am asking that you intervene with the Bureau of Prisons and ask them not to send Eric King into harm’s way by sending him to USP Lee.
Please help my friend.
If additional info helps you with conversations or if you would like some responses to BOP pushback here is some additional info
Talking points in response to questions or pushback
The Bureau of Prisons (BOP) may give a response saying that Eric is a maximum custody prisoner with a vast disciplinary record, and therefore needs to be designated for imprisonment at a maximum facility to be held in segregation with his communication strictly limited.
- Per the BOP response to Colorado Senator Michael Bennett inquiry (3 separate inquiries in total)
- Eric is being held indefinitely in segregation (currently for 3 years 9 months total) because of these three things:
- “Mr. King is currently pending prosecution for assaulting a Lieutenant at FCC Colorado”

- “Mr King is a maximum security level inmate”
- The only reason Eric is designated as a maximum security prisoner is due to the BOP giving Eric a disciplinary write-up for the incident that he was acquitted for in March 2022. The truth is when his life changed the day he was grabbed into a broom closet by the Lieutenant, he was a mere week away from his ‘case management evaluation’ where he was going to be placed in a low security prison. Even with the 3-month period of torture when the pandemic hit where he accrued a number of disciplinary infractions, he still is at a medium/almost low point level of security.
- “Inmate King has received over 20 disciplinary infractions for the past 2 years”
- In fact, Eric has not had a disciplinary infraction in almost 2 years. There was a period of time that began in March 2020 when the BOP shut down visits and began to wage war: Everyone across FCI Englewood prison and in the segregation unit was allowed to conduct their visitations over the phone due to the federal government passing the CARES Act. However, Eric was not allowed any visitation, mail, magazines, newspapers, or any news of the outside world. He found himself suddenly with no communication with his family and terrified. Through March and April 2020, the Bureau of Prisons rejected over 30 pieces of mail between him and his wife for erroneous reasons; all BOP has to do is check a box for rejection slips. Then June of 2020, BOP refused to investigate an officer that attempted to assault him, the same officer who authored most of the disciplinary write-ups, an officer that then went on to take him into the showers handcuffed and break his head open. The assault was so blatant that they couldn’t even attempt to charge Eric in their own disciplinary system. The officer that wrote the majority of Eric’s disciplinary write-ups tried to kill him in June of 2020. https://supportericking.org/2020/06/24/eric-assaulted-by-guard-at-fci-englewood/
More on the disciplinary infraction history:
Eric’s (ignored) words to the court about the abuse he was suffering:
Eric has been under communication restrictions since May of 2020. Englewood decided that the best thing to do, as soon as the pandemic hit, was cut off Eric’s phone calls, his visits and his mail. Up to his most recent communication restriction, the reasoning has been incredibly vague. We learned a lot more with the most recent one; if he’s such an “inspiring figure”, the BOP has a prison built specifically for people who they need to limit and monitor communication for: the CMU.

That is not where they are sending Eric; that is NOT what USP Lee is.
This is NOT a Blue Dress/Gold Dress Type of Situation
Its not that complicated
This is a storage closet
This is not a Lieutenants office

This was not a legitimate interview

This was the room that changed Eric King’s life
This was the corner he was backed into

This is the Stryker chair he was transported in

This was the bed that BOP (Bureau of Prisons) officers chained a compliant prisoner to

This was the position Eric was restrained in for 6 hours

This was the shirt that was cut off him with a grappling hook

No one has any idea where 3 hours of this video went

There was no water

No place to urinate but on himself

There was no restroom

There was no REASON
Restraints are used for out of control prisoners, to “help” prisoners maintain calm
These were the BOP Use of force policies that did not protect Eric King

This is Eric King in transit being transferred from a low security facility to a Max within 11 days of his victory. Eric knows what awaits him, as does the Bureau of Prisons….
I search to see anything
I search to see anything, to see you
but to matter how wide, I open my eyes
all that I hold is the grey in my room
You can’t wish yourself out of a dungeon
A bear can’t roar its cage open
I can’t love the pain away
screaming so the echoes
offer protection from the ghost
praying someday, I’ll see you again
wrapping my calloused hands around
the throat of my insecurities
to watch their lifeless shape fall to the ground
protection from the anxiety blunders
which smother every inch of what’s left of me
Digging out of the rubble till I’m free
praying one day your lips won’t just
be a dream
EK Abruptly Transferred to higher security prison.
11 days after Eric was acquitted by a federal trial, the BOP decided to move him from indefinite segregation in a low security prison,to indefinite segregation in a high security prison.
His security level is medium. However, the Bureau of Prisons gave him an internal write-up on the assault in the closet Eric was recently acquitted for, and gave him something called a management variable. This means BOP can place him in max custody no matter how low his actual designation level is.
Eric just went to federal trial; he was found innocent and to have been defending himself against lieutenant Wilcox. However, the BOP has decided to use their own discipline system to punish him for what happened in the closet.
Every facility Eric has been to the last 4 years have orchestrated or attempted to orchestrate an attack on him.
They repeatedly told him at Englewood where he ends up will be determined by the trial verdict.
This was Eric’s worst case scenario. Eric is terrified. He was told by staff at USP Lee he would be hurt in 2019. Now, he will be going straight to segregation in USP Lee. He will be getting virtually no mail. He is worried if something happens to him he won’t even be able to let people know. He will have no magazines, no books, no commissary, no calls, no mail.
If the bop thinks he is such a risk to security. They can send him to one of the prisons that is equipped to handle the problem they say he is.

Send him to the CMU send him to the ADX? Better yet let him just finish his time at a medium security prison as his points indicate. Without a management variable based on an incident he was acquitted for.
Let him finish his time and go home to his family.
This is what is happening to Eric after his victory.
He is currently held in a transfer facility awaiting pickup.
Right now emails to the support email with easily printable articles. World cup updates, boxing, Manchester United, space, science, animals politics, dad jokes and memes. Long things to read. PDFs, articles in an easy printing format preferably. These will give him something to read where they want him to go.
And PLEASE if you have a relationship with your senator (the BOP has to respond to senate inquiry) have a conversation with them. Ask them to step in and help get rid of this maximum management variable for a crime he was acquitted for. Dont let the BOP hurt him again.

What can we say besides how proud we are of him, and SO thankful to his legal team. And everyone who held him up, refused to look away.
Its heartbreaking to say that he still has a mail ban so unfortunately can not receive letters
We will be sharing various articles and beautiful shows of support in the coming weeks
Eric King’s trial info
If you want to hold space for Eric and virtually attend trial the phone number 877-336-1828 and enter access code 9449909#
On Monday March 14th during jury selection the public may only attend virtually , call 877-336-1828 and enter access code 9449909# this is expected to conclude around 10/11/12 and will be open to the public afterwards.
This is such a big moment for Eric, he has been so cut off from the world for so long. Allowed no outside communication outside of family been in segregation for three and a half years 🖤 finally he gets to tell his story.
Due to covid regulations physical access to the courtroom will be limited to 26 seats to be shared by defense and prosecution. Folks looking to attend have permission to respectfully sit in the hallway and wait for a seat as well as the lobby. If you are sitting in the hallway or lobby it is very important to stay quiet while court is on session. If the way you want to hold space for Eric is in person we have the decorum from the judge here. PLEASE read all of it if you are planning on attending in person.
We want to support Eric in this really big moment ☀️ be with him in any way we can. Through the trial anyone can call in, call 877-336-1828 and enter access code 9449909#.
Because this is a federal jury trial in person attendance comes with the responsibility of respectful behavior. Including clothing. The courthouse has identification requirements. There’s a little bit of homework to do first. We want this trial to happen. This is a moment he has been waiting for for so long.
So please please read the whole decorum if you are planning on attending in person there are VERY specific rules.
Everyday the trial will be available for public observation via this phone line, call 877-336-1828 and enter access code 9449909#.