This is NOT a Blue Dress/Gold Dress Type of Situation

Its not that complicated

This is a storage closet

This is not a Lieutenants office

This was not a legitimate interview 

This was the room that changed Eric King’s life

This was the corner he was backed into 

This is the Stryker chair he was transported in

This was the bed that BOP (Bureau of Prisons) officers chained a compliant prisoner to 

This was the position Eric was restrained in for 6 hours 

This was the shirt that was cut off him with a grappling hook 

No one has any idea where 3 hours of this video went

Eric’s testimony as to what would have been on the missing video footage:
Eric’s testimony as to what would have been on the missing video footage

There was no water 

No place to urinate but on himself

There was no restroom 

There was no REASON

Restraints are used for out of control prisoners, to “help” prisoners maintain calm  

These were the BOP Use of force policies that did not protect Eric King

This shows us that the NCRO reviewed and was aware of the 3 hours of missing footage yet pursued prosecution and torture anyways

This is Eric King in transit being transferred from a low security facility to a Max within 11 days of his victory. Eric knows what awaits him, as does the Bureau of Prisons….

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