The Warden at FCI Englewood has decided, during a global pandemic to remove all general mail from Eric. This illustrates so well the deliberate indifference that belongs to ALL wardens to the lives of prisoners. While further isolating Eric that you have on a suicide management plan.
For the next 6 months (until this restriction is re-evaluated) Eric will be unable to send or receive any mail from anyone other than his mother and wife.
This is completely devastating for those who care for Eric, worrying about the difficulties of him surviving torture while so isolated. But there is a bit of good news in this. Eric will still be able to receive books and magazines.
Right now this is the only way to let Eric know folks out here are rallying for him and here to support him during this terrifying and turbulent time for him.
Softcover books and magazines only. If it is questionable content wise, it is advised not to send it. FCI Englewood is heavily censoring Eric’s incoming literature.
Books can be sent in mail and from the publisher, or a site similar to Amazon.
Eric King 27090045
FCI Engelwood
9595 w Quincy ave
Littleton Co 80123

Eric also still desperately needs help raising legal funds
If you can help or share it would be greatly appreciated
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