Eric’s Legal Fight

Jenipher Jones

Eric is thrilled to be joining Jenipher Jones. Jenipher is an amazing civil and human rights attorney with such a passion, knowledge, and experience going hard in court for prisoners (and in a ridiculous amount of other ways πŸ‘€). Standing up for those that many even in our movements overlook. It’s easy to have compassion for non-violent offenders and community actions. But to stand up for prisoners in a place where other attorneys have ended up in prison for visiting….takes so much more. Eric can’t wait to be a part of the bigger conversation in dismantling the torture that is allowed to exist down in Colorado’s Guantanamo, the federal supermax ADX Florence πŸ–€

Sandra Freeman

Eric has been through the gauntlet with attorney Sandra Freeman since September 2018. Sandy is an abolitionist attorney dedicated to defense of the Earth and of all peoples affected by the corruption and human rights violations inherent to borders, policing, and extractive industry. They base their practice in community-based legal support and justice for movements seeking collective liberation, as well as those charged as a result of acts of sovereignty, immigration, marginalization, protest or political affiliation. They have represented communities in tribal, federal, state, and local courts across the US. Sandy played an essential part as legal counsel and other legal support in strategizing alongside Eric in addressing torture in segregation, political targeting by the BOP, illegal confinement, lack of medical care, an evidentiary hearing and Eric’s federal trial March 2022, where he was found not guilty for assault on a federal officer. Sandy has written countless motions with years of grinding through discovery to advocate for Eric’s humanity and face the brutality of the BOP alongside Eric’s family. Sandy continues work as legal counsel, with other tenacious attorneys, through Eric’s survival in supermax ADX Florence and the fight for release on probation home to his family.

Eric is being supported locally also by the Bread and Roses legal center who has just shown up in so many tangible ways for him and family πŸ–€