Update and message from Eric

On June 21st Eric was picked up from USP McCreary and brought to the federal transfer center in Oklahoma. We anxiously await to see if the BOP is ready to drop this bullshit once and for all and send him somewhere he can do his time in peace. Things feel super complicated because on June 18th Eric was in an altercation with his cell mate in segregation. After the prisons previous attempt to stick a nazi in with him this isnt a surprise. We are hopeful that he will be transferred without a disciplinary shot. The chance that all of this may start over again is terrifying.

While Eric is at the Federal transfer center he asks that folks not write him. Many (if any) will not be given to him. If folks could type up a letter, and get some love ready to send his way as soon as he lands that would be amazing

Some words from Eric that were written the day before his latest attack and transfer


A couple of days ago, June 14th, the prison was kind enough to let me receive some of the mail piling in in the mailroom since May 20th. I have to say I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support, kindness and friendship. whether it was new friends or old, it was just fucking awesome to be seen and cared for. Made my month <3

Prison can REALLY make you feel isolated and horrible emotions can arise from that. Nothing feels better than knowing that veil is lifted & people see you, care for you & have your back. I’m not alone. I’m seen. I exist 🙂

These past 10 months have been HARD & i havent always handled it in the best way. There were times I was aggravated for days (weeks) on end, sitting in that KS dungeon by myself & i know some of my letters towards friends and new friends at times didn’t showcase the best of me. If I was snarky, rude or short that is on me and I’m sorry. Seg isn’t an excuse to be a jerk.

As you may be aware I only get 2 stamps a week so i most likely wont be able to respond the way i would like to until I get settled somewhere. But i would like to say thank you for the song lyrics the boxing news, the Manchester stuff, science articles, the nature descriptions, the empathy… all of it. Imma keep these letters & try to respond but it may take a minute (since Eric was transferred we dont know if they prison will allow him to take them with him, if he doesnt respond maybe folks can drop a line to the next prison he goes to).

The attack happened because of a refusal to deny what we stand for & who we stand against. This is a revolutionary struggle & we will take lumps along the way. But these bruises heal a lot quicker knowing folks aren’t letting you suffer alone.

until all are free & all of the love

*shout out to the AMAZING fire ant collective*

p.s. if you feel like sharing some energy, pls youtube “Defiance Ohio, You are Loved”

“to Chelsea Manning” a poem by Eric King

Chelsea chelsea chelsea

They kept the keys within reach

Desperate to hurt you

Fiending for vengeance

The main news focuses on a rapist

While you focus on justice

Unbending in your ethics

Maybe they thought you soft

Forgetting your iron core

Striking while most vulnerable

Promising, if you talk then you walk

How they rage out at your reserve

A jaw welded shut

Only allowing out dissident words

You’ve seen their hatred, felt the venom

Fox called you a traitor

Deserving of the guillotine or dungeon

Wearing their weighted shackles

With your neck never falling

Hopefully your freedom

next time

Will be longer

Update on Eric’s Attack and situation

We have word for what went down with Eric at USP McCreary. On Friday may 13h the BOP’s attempt to send Eric to the CMU or communication management unit was rejected (his SMU or special management unit transfer request had been rejected 2 months prior). The BOP attempted to send him to these high security specialized prisons as a consequence for being attacked by a lieutenant and guards at FCI Florence, but we all can see it is a consequence for his continuing to speak out against the BOP and federal prison system. Communication management units are used to place prisoners in an incredibly isolated situation to severely limit communication with the outside world. These prisons are described as torture and deprivation by those who have experienced them. The special management unit is where the BOP sends the most “violent” prisoners in the federal prison system. They decided that he deserved to go to either of them though he didn’t qualify. They threw everything they could at him and it didn’t stick.

Friday may 17th after a lieutenant and a guard expressed to Eric that he would be attacked on the yard (for being anti-fascist) he was placed in general population. Prisoners are often asked to choose between being safe and choosing not to walk a yard they will be hurt on or the punishment the prison imposes if they choose to keep themselves safe. Eric had already spent 280 days in segregation and the extra 6 months of solitary and the loss of commissary and potential visits was too heavy. Under duress these decisions were made. The prison reinforces prison culture that you just need to take the beating, attack that is coming to you. He chose to walk the yard and accept the impending attack. He chose to walk the yard knowing this was a setup.

On Friday May 20th Eric was called into an office by guards and again offered to accept the punishment that would be given to him if he chose to leave the yard in an attempt to avoid being attacked. To be clear, telling a prison guard that you aren’t safe because you are going to be attacked by someone is snitching. Even saying you aren’t safe without naming someone “checking in” will put you in a position where for the rest of your sentence you can not walk on a regular non “drop-out” yard again and is considered “dry-snitching” by some. Though they brought him into this “meeting” and asked him if he is safe and going to walk back out in the yard and verbalized they knew he wast. Getting that “choice” on record that isn’t really a choice at all.

[email from the day eric was attacked]

As soon as Eric informed them he would go back to the yard the guards told him they decided to take him to the “chow hall” at a time that his unit does not eat. They took him to a caged area that a very large man was waiting in. With the guards watching this man began to question Eric about his anti-fascist tattoos and then attacked him. The whole week he was on the yard no one asked about or noticed his tattoos, the lieutenant on the other hand made a big point to talk about them. Take that for what you will but suddenly this man waiting for him was real curious about all of this. Eric doesnt remember defending himself but it was a big blur and was told he did. He said the guards let it happen for a bit. He estimates receiving and ducking about 20 punches. He wasnt seriously injured but did sustain significant bruising and minor injuries across his whole body. It was nowhere near the beating he received at Florence by the guards.

Eric was brought to segregation where he received a disciplinary shot for fighting. This shot coincidentally makes him eligible for the SMU again. If they choose it could be another 4-6 months or longer waiting for this process. They held a disciplinary hearing in which he was not able to defend him self. They decided that he did indeed fight and lost 22 days of good time and 4 months of being able to purchase food for himself or other items. This is never good because the BOP only guarantees one “non-flesh” meal a day which often contains dairy. Purchasing food is super important for him.

He still is unable to talk to or visit with his family. The phone block as it stands should take years of good behavior to fall off. Its sad that to him, getting email for a week and actual real time contact with his wife was 100% worth the beating. This says a lot about the deprivation that he has experienced.

Please send Eric some love. Mail/articles are GREATLY appreciated. He can not receive books. The prison has specific mail guidelines that will be pasted below. PLEASE share what is going on with Eric with our community and show up for him. He needs us. In 80 days it will have been a year that he hasnt seen his family. No ability to call them. Its up to us to keep him going right now. If folks want to donate to travel/commissary so when they are able his family can come out to see him. You can do so here


At the end of the day, a little over a week after the regional offices denied his CMU/SMU referrals somehow he suddenly becomes eligible again. This situation was clearly orchestrated and is super concerning. The BOP is sending a message loud and clear that they will get theirs with him no matter what. This makes us fearful for Eric’s safety during the last 4 years of his sentence.

With love and rage

-EK support crew

These articles MUST be in black and white on non glossy standard weight printer paper. Letters to eric must be typed or written in black ink on the same type of paper. No borders, pencil, colored envelopes, no address labels and please number the pages so he knows if something is missing.


PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY BOOKS as he will not receive them and there is no guarantee they will be returned.

Eric King 27090045

P.O. BOX 3000
PINE KNOT, KY  42635

Eric Back in Segregation after attack at USP McCreary

Last week Eric got news that his CMU transfer was rejected. He was placed on the yard at USP McCreary despite officers and lieutenants expressing their knowledge he was in danger being an anti-fascist prisoner. The 280 days of solitary confinement has done emotional damage to him and he couldn’t stand the thought of 6 more months that would be given to him if he chose to be safe and refused to enter general population. On the yard he was told that the “long term” phone block Eric has would end after “a few years of good behavior”. This means no hope of talking to his family anytime soon.

Monday Eric was attacked by two Fash prisoners with the prior knowledge of staff. Eric was placed back in segregation and we believe he was given a disciplinary shot which will mean likely loss of visits and commissary as well as indefinite time in segregation. We dont know the extent of his injuries but believe (and hope) that they were not as bad as his last attack at florence. His family still has been unable to see him for 283 days and have not yet been able to speak with him on the phone.

To help eric not loose himself and his connection with the outside world. He is asking folks to PLEASE send articles for him to read. (all) News about his favorite football team Manchester United, about science, IRA articles, space, anything interesting, funny, weird or entertaining.

These articles MUST be in black and white on non glossy standard weight printer paper. Letters to eric must be typed or written in black ink on the same type of paper. No borders, pencil, colored envelopes, no address labels and please number the pages so he knows if something is missing.


PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY BOOKS as he will not receive them and there is no guarantee they will be returned.

Eric King 27090045

P.O. BOX 3000
PINE KNOT, KY  42635

If folks want to help and donate to Eric and to be able to get his family out to visit him, donations can be made here. 

with solidarity to all in prison, and all who support them
with love and rage
-EK support crew

Update on Erics Confinement

We have word from Eric. He is being held in segregation at McCreary. He was immediately intercepted by SIS officers upon arriving and put into the special housing unit. It appears McCreary is just a spot to hold him while the BOP is working out where they send him. Right now he can not receive books, photos, post cards or cards. EVERYTHING needs to be written in blue or black ink on standard paper. Please do not use any thicker stock or borders on the paper. Letters with mailing labels will be rejected.

Eric is only being allowed 2 envelopes a week so there is a good chance he will not be able to respond to letters, nonetheless they are appreciated and something for him to continue to feel connected to the world.
What Eric needs:
If you sent a book from his booklist please wait to see if Amazon returns it to you. If it is not returned can you shoot an email to erickingsupportcrew(at)riseup.net and let us know what book it was so we can put it back on his list. We dont know if the books will be returned but he will not receive them.  When he gets where he is going he will need books right away.
Because he is sitting in isolation with hardly any stimulation he would love if folks could send him articles. He loves science, space, Manchester United football club, he loves silly jokes, to keep up on what is happening in the world, short stories… he is pretty easy to please. Please copy the text into a document before printing. any colored font will not make it in, so those pesky link texts seem to cause problems.
It is unknown how long he will be held here or if his communication will continue to be limited with his wife and children when he lands in the next spot. He is hoping that they will be able to visit as fast as possible when he lands. Any donation to travel funds would be appreciated.
Today marks 218 days in complete isolation for him. While it seemed that things were coming to an end, they back-slid again and we await what will happen next. He is one of only 398 of 180,193 prisoners in the BOP being currently held in segregation this long.
Your support has helped Eric get through this and not feel so alone.

Eric King 27090045

P.O. BOX 3000

EK Support Crew

Eric placed at USP McCreary

This morning Eric showed up in the system as being placed at USP McCreary. Though he is at a point level for a lesser security prison the BOP decided that (because he had been assaulted by staff) he is too dangerous for a prison of that security level so they gave him a “management variable” so they could place him. Florence was able to choose Eric’s destination, the BOP has no problems with the prison who tortured a prison to further implement their will and take their reccomendations.

We dont know if he will go into General population at McCreary. Or if this is a placment while they continue to try to place him at the CMU or SMU. He was moved the day after he started his hunger strike so the placement was “on the fly”. We will continue to keep folks updated as we receive more info.

Eric needs letters and books! This is a scary overwhelming time and mail/support is a lifeline. Please read regulations below as far as sending mail into facility. It is also imperative that USP McCreary see that we are here for Eric and watching.

Stay tuned for support shirts and other items that will be available to fundraise for travel to get his family to him which is what Eric needs the most. Donations can be made here as well


New support shirt design coming

As well as a book of Eric’s poetry

Eric King 27090045

P.O. BOX 3000

erics book list can be found here. He can only receive books from the publisher.


Mail at USP McCreary has very strict standards. He can only receive mail written in blue or black ink (including printed mail). No colored ink or pencil.

He can only receive mail written/printed on white paper with standard thickness.

No postcards.

Envelops must be addressed by printing or writing address in envelope (no labels). Only white envelopes.

UPDATE Eric King 2/12/2019

Update 2/28/2019

Eric has been moved to the Federal Transfer center in Oklahoma. The phone block is still in place. We will update when he is placed at a new prison and what we can do to continue to fight to open the lines of communication with his family.


Update 2/12/2019

We received an update regarding his disciplinary hearing. We think it is important to share Eric’s words rather than us try to explain the trauma that is involved in these hearings. As of right now communication is still restricted between Eric and his partner. Eric has filed a grievance and then two appeals to the grievance. Both times asking why the contact is restricted and to remove the restrictions. The response to each was that they already told him and that he said he understood. If they did indeed tell him (they didn’t) then why should they have a problem informing him and his lawyer again. It is shady business as usual at USP Leavenworth and the BOP regional office.

Eric after giving him ample time to respond to his grievances and will begin his hunger strike again on February 19th and will only end when he receives answers and the phone block is removed, or he is moved from the facility.

You can help Eric by printing out the Hogwarts inspired acceptance letter [here  https://supportericking.org/2019/02/12/flood-the-mailroom-in-support-of-eric/] and sending it in as well as making copies (or asking friends to) for your friends and comrades. We need as many of these sent in as possible. Bring them to your local monthly letter-writings, meetings ect. Any way we can get these sent out in mass is great.

You can also help by being ready to spring into action on the 19th of February when Eric goes back on his hunger strike. We will post the instructions regarding how to help apply pressure to the BOP regional office as well as USP Leavenworth then.

At the end of this nightmare he will have been in segregation and separated from his family for at least 226 days and At 180 days (today), he will be one of just 398 people out of 151,000 in the SHU for that long .

In the letter below he is referencing his losses after his disciplinary hearing where the charges against him for assault were upheld. Canteen is his ability to purchase items for commissary. And an update, they didn’t take away his phone but as a cruel joke his wife’s number was still blocked when he tried to call. They again set him up with hope only to knock him down. Points of clarity Eric did file grievances about the assault. Two of them were “lost” hopefully the 3rd one gets processed soon. The video tape that the north central regional officer Mrs Bryant showed Eric being dragged into the closet and dragged into the hallway where he lay limp not resisting in any way.

Below the image in the interest of accessibility and for easy translation is the text of the letter.


1/30 day 168

My angel,

60 days canteen, visits + email… 27 days good time. Unless she is bullshitting and turns around and takes the phone, I should be able to call you this weekend. This was a very upsetting experience. I felt like a sexual assault victim. Being told to shut up “it doesnt matter if it happened in a closet, you should have filed about it”… when told about the black eye “I have the picture + you have a black eye but it was way too formed, these things take time to develop”… when I tried to point out the picture was taken 4 hours after she shut me up by saying it was signed by medical 2:25pm… :-O … she then said I never complained to medical when they reviewed me :-O outrageous lie, I complained to them emphatically. The cream of it all, “even if he hit you you have a legal remedy, you dont run through a hallway attacking Lt” “ that’s not what happened” “Well you threw more than one punch it only takes one to get someone to stop”. Lol holy shit. My staff rep, bless his heart, trued hard “Uh if Mr King is saying the closet is used for that + you have pictures showing it happened in the closet, doesnt that give riddance to what he is saying?” …. which she said “it doesnt matter, he isnt a vigilante, file the paperwork! You dont get to touch staff”

So that was stressful and annoying. But 60 days is significantly better than what I was expecting (90) the allegedly keeping the phone could be a blessing. I’m going to appeal just cuse but I dont want to see Ms Bryant- who works for the region in KCK again. We knew we weren’t going to beat this shot, so we got blessed by the goddess. We got steamrolled + fucked every step of the way but this is where we are at. Life can move forward now, put this dull shit behind us. Here soon I’ll either be in Oklahoma calling you, in the SMU or in the CMU calling you.

What this assault cost us:

1. 7 months-at least-no visits-no email

2. 6 months-at least- limited to no phone

3. 3 transfers- at least-no

4. 1 blocked #

5. 1 bullshit shot

6. 1 moderate beating

7. A lot of stress + panic- which could continue

8. PTSD we’ll both have to work through together

9. missed birthdays and holidays 🙁

10. No extra time but lost 27 days

Flood the Mailroom in support of Eric

Update 2/28/2019

Eric has been moved to the Federal Transfer center in Oklahoma. The phone block is still in place. We will update when he is placed at a new prison and what we can do to continue to fight to open the lines of communication with his family.



Show Eric we are all here for him!!!

Get your owls ready and help us get word to Eric regarding his acceptance into the Leavenworth School of Slavery and Torture. The boy who survived has been moved from under the stairs and has been residing in a small box and needs your help to get him word regarding what his time in school will entail.


Update on Eric’s Disciplinary hearing https://supportericking.org/2019/02/12/update-eric-king-2122019/


If your letter is rejected please appeal this rejection which is your right (though they will not inform you as they are required). We suggest either sending a letter to the facility (same address but addressed to the warden Nicole English). If this is not possible you can state your desire to appeal the rejection to this email LVN/[email protected].


Thank you!
Ek Support Team


PLEASE put YOUR name and a return address on the envelope. Address and send to


[ Since Eric has been moved he can no longer receive mail at USP Leavenworth]


Below are word and PDF files for easy printing as well as the text of the letter.

HOGWARTS  (word)


Leavenworth School of Slavery and Torture
Headmaster: Hugh J. Hurwitz Regional Headmaster Jeffrey E. Krueger Warden and Headmistress Nicole English Assistant Warden and Headmistress Department of Magical Enforcement Ms Bryant Special Investigation services Lt Larson Assistant Warden Grant

Dear Mr Eric King 27090045,

We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at the Leavenworth School of Slavery and torture. Enclosed is a list of all necessary equipment and potential experiences. Azkaban has nothing on us. Term began on September 17th 2016 and will end on August 19th 2023 obviously subject to change and believe me we will do our best to ensure your stay us is with as long as possible.
During your time at Leavenworth School of Slavery and torture your will have the PRIVILEGE of working for pennies on the dollar to either keep the institution running by filling all of the janitorial, meal prep, repair or various jobs we would otherwise have to pay people to do. If this isn’t sufficient wages you are permitted to also work for any other capitalist scum that pays us for your slave labor. Because we all know “mo money mo problems”.
Students do not need to worry about buying a magic pet themselves all manner of vermin from rats to bugs walk the campus halls to keep you company. Please dont mind the extreme temperatures and occasional flood we take our time to adjust to seasonal change because it is important to remind our students that we have no fucks to give regarding their safety of comfort. Because what would a school of slavery and torture be without… well you get the picture.
You may follow our legal process by filling out a grievance (if you can manage to get one from our legal gatekeepers) which we will promptly file in the rubbish because obviously we are not going to follow a process that may lead to any consequences to the institution or staff. If you are feeling unsafe because of any of us don’t worry we care and will promptly send you as far from your family as possible. If any of our staff injure you in any way we will immediately charge you. But don’t worry we will investigate ourselves and hold a fair hearing where we will uphold the charge and further isolate you from your loved ones and prevent you from purchasing food, medicine and anything to make your stay in your special private room sans any comfort, conversation or feeling of safety. Because we believe here at Leavenworth School of Slavery and torture that reform begins at loss of sanity. We ensure you return to us since we enjoy profiting from your work while selling you goods and time with your loved ones.
While you stay at Leavenworth School of Slavery and torture we will make sure to take every opportunity to create conflict between you and your family by limiting the phone time (that you will be responsible to pay for), visits and connection with the outside world. We will use your love for your family to ensure you discipline your fellow students via mob justice when we decide they deserve it. To receive any privilege or placement into safer schools your attendance is mandatory in our classes meant to remove all self value where we teach you just how responsible you are for the pain and suffering of the folks that you love while simultaneously driving a wedge between you and your family. If this causes intentional damage to your mental health you are welcome to beg and plead to see our (not top notch but I am sure they fall somewhere on the spectrum) mental health team. We would be happy to remind you that you are at at fault for your feelings and remind you that you are only hurting yourself.
Remember if your relationship somehow survives between your loved ones and yourself and they try to help keep you safe in any way, we will remove all ability for them to contact you. This is for your safety and the safety and order of the institution. This is particularly for your own good because it has shown family contact lowers recidivism rates and we love to see you return and stay with us. So much so that our mailroom works tirelessly to arbitrarily deny your correspondence for invisible limitations and deny any reading material we catch a whim about. At Leavenworth School of Slavery and torture we want to keep you guessing and waste as much of your loved ones money as possible.
If your family has a concern and wishes to speak with any staff we will let the phone ring indefinitely or transfer you to a staff voicemail box that staff are instructed to never return the calls. Does email work better? Our very own executive assistant who is classically trained in the art of deception and would be happy to feed you or your legal representative lies. Just in case you have a masochistic appetite for half or no truths. We aim for your family to experience no fo-mo so we allow them to share your experiences. Family trauma bonding is important to your path through school.
During your time at Leavenworth School of Slavery and torture we want you to take advantage of all of our amenities included our (again not top notch but I am sure they fall somewhere on the spectrum) medical staff. We have worked hard to make sure they are easily accessible by assigning them guard duty because our medical staff LOVES to work in the capacity of direct torture and. They are always available to scream in your face or feel you up. If you need a higher level of care you are welcome to put your name on the 1-2 year waiting list where we don’t waste your time and keep appointments as short as possible. We do not like any of our students to worry about their health so our (again not top notch but I am sure they fall somewhere on the spectrum) medical staff will ensure you that there is nothing wrong with you.
Enjoy visits?Enjoy visits? We set the mood by sexualizing your children and female loved ones. We also use our magic machines (please ignore those pesky FOIA requests stating we are not to use on visitors) that we use to make sure visiting is exclusive, if we let everyone in it wouldn’t be as special. After we violate your family to set the mood even further we will strip you of your clothing and dignity while our staff (specially selected by their specific kinks) inspects your every crevice. This sets the tone of the visit before you purchase snacks provided by more capitalist scum and get creative playing our games that are all missing pieces.
We have assigned some of your classmates as prefects. They will work diligently to inform our staff of any wrongdoings of students (real or otherwise) and hand out beatings for your well-being. Despite our cute rules and regulation (that only you are required to follow) we may select you for an enhanced experience by either our staff or prefects that we instruct to act on our behalf and physically discipline you in whatever means we deem necessary. This can include but are not limited to, being pulled into closets and beat, tied to a bed soaked in your own blood and urine, put in a private room with strobe lights overhead but really. We don’t like to limit our staff and students and believe they should always shoot for the stars so death and brain damage beatings are always an option.
Yours sincerely,

Nicole English

Nicole English
Warden and Headmistress


First-year students will require:
1. Beige jumpsuit (whatever random size we give you)
2. Used socks and underwear
3. Hats and sweats are available for purchase however be prepared to be attacked by guards because… well “why didnt you read our individual guards minds before wearing into dayroom”
  • Guide of rules and regulations- subject to change based on our whim and not actually applicable to the staff or institution in any way. We do love to restrict your access to reading these ruled whenever we can.
  • From publisher only!! This way we ensure only the best quality and the highest cost to your family. Which we reserve the right to take at any time. Sharing is caring and bored staff is potentially dangerous staff (which we have ensured have the lowest level of education and the highest level of trauma by employing sadistic mentally unstable fucks) so staff has first go at your reading material.
  • Radios or MP3 players are available for purchase, this is such an enjoyable experience we care and want to make sure it never stops so you have the privilege of enjoying it over and over as we smash and break them or loose them every time you change schools.
  • You are allowed to provide us with as much information as you wish (so that we may learn what hurts you and customize your trauma via your Leavenworth School of Slavery and torture) via personal email. Lower education level and proficiency will incur extra costs as you pay by the minute.
  • Since we know you all feel the need to nourish your bodies we have selected various processed foods available for purchase.
  • We also allow you to purchase YOUR VERY OWN TOILET PAPER AND SANITARY NAPKINS!!!! Walking to the bathroom a pain??? Never fear we have our toilets close to your bed so you are not inconvenienced. Guaranteed to never feel lonely in the bathroom again as you can engage in brilliant conversation with your roommate as you relieve yourself.

We are excited to profit on your backs and slavery. Don’t bother your pretty little heads with the 13th amendment. We love shaping young minds and remove your ability to exist in society. Your education doesn’t end when you leave. Challenging continuing education classes such as finding housing or work with your degree will keep you busy after your schooling ends.

Inspector General online form submission in support of Eric

We would like as many people as we possibly can to report the assault and communication restriction. It takes 5 minutes and can be done online. Below are screenshots to show how to submit a complaint.  A sample submission is below as well as a file to attach (BOP program statement)



If we can flood their inboxes over the weekend they will have to read it at least once and hopefully it can catch someones attention.

Sample complaint to submit:
I am writing in reference to Eric King 27090045. He has not only been assaulted and tortured by BOP staff but he is now being illegally kept from communicating with his family.

On December 1st when Eric attempted to make his one allowed phone call a month he dialed his wife and found the number was restricted. Since then he and staff at USP Leavenworth have made numerous requests to inquire as to why her contact has been restricted. According to BOP policy there is a process that needs to be followed when restricting a spouses communication and FCI Leavenworth and Florence is in direction violation of that. Not only have they failed to notify Eric of such restriction they have failed to show that proper procedure was followed.

Both the Wardens and SIS offices at FCI Florence and FCI Leavenworth are in violation of the BOP/DOJ program statement OPI: CPD/CPB NUMBER: 5265.14

As there was no incident report written or delivered to Eric the following procedure was not followed

this means the prison violated section 541 subpart B

(2) Where there is no incident report, the Warden:
(i) Shall advise the inmate in writing of the reasons the inmate is to be placed on restricted general correspondence;
(ii) Shall give the inmate the opportunity to respond to the classification or change in classification; the inmate has the option to respond orally or to submit written information or both; and P5265.14 4/5/2011 Federal Regulations are shown in this type. Implementing instructions: this type. 12
(iii) Shall notify the inmate of the decision and the reasons, and shall advise the inmate that the inmate may appeal the decision under the Administrative Remedy Procedure.

(d) When an inmate is placed on restricted general correspondence, the inmate may, except as provided in §§ 540.16 and 540.17: 28 §§ CFR 540.16 and 540.17 refer to Sections 8 and 9, respectively, of this Program Statement.

(1) Correspond with the inmate’s spouse, mother, father, children, and siblings, unless the correspondent is involved in an violation of correspondence regulations, or would be a threat to the security or good order of the institution; The word “spouse” includes a common-law relationship which has previously been established in a state which recognizes this status. In states that do not, a common-law relationship is not considered “immediate family.” For determination of applicable state laws, consult the Regional Counsel.

The warden immediately needs to remove the calling restrictions on Erics wife. And we request that the BOP, office of inspector general and the DOJ begin an investigation of illegal actions taken by Lt Wilcox, the staff and warden at FCI Florence and now FCI Leavenworth. Below are details of the assault and torture that resulted in Erics transfer and time in the specialized housing unit.

USP Leavenworth has notified Eric he will not receive medical care as long as he is striking and he has been taken off the list to receive glasses. He has been on the list for about a year and a half at this point and currently has no glasses and this is not only a safety risk but makes it near impossible for him to communicate by mail.

August 17th 2018

At FCI Florence Lieutenant Wilcox attacked Eric without provocation on August 17th and then he was assaulted by 5 guards in the hallway outside Lieutenant Wilcox’s office on camera as he lay limp on the floor while officers beat him kicking his head and stomach ribs and chest. He was then held in a 5 point restraint bed for 7 hours in his own urine and blood without proper medical attention. The restraints have resulted in nephropathy in his wrists still to this day are numb and this suggests he is permanently injured. As well as any brain injury which an MRI will be perused to show this could be causing his increased migraines and dizziness. He was denied medical attention both at this point and for the next 6 days before he was moved to USP Leavenworth. After the torture on camera in the 5 point restraint bed Eric was transferred illegally to USP Florence without any authorizations from the Grand Prarie texas OR any management variable which has resulted in already one denial of transfer since the staff at FCI Florence has failed to provide any transfer documents or reports as to why this transfer ever happened. He was held in a cell clogged with someone elses feces and tortured with strobe lights overhead for 4 days. Medical made an attempt to visit Eric and was turned away bu the guard outside his cell which again was captured on camera. He was not given any medical attention while in Colorado. Nor was he given access to his lawyer which was both requested by him and his Lawyer many times both to FCI Florence and USP Florence even during the time in which he was coerced and forced to sign a statement. Told by SIS he will not be able to speak with his lawyer until he signs. And even after the promise he was still denied access to his lawyer. Eric was then again without authorization from the office in Grand Prarie to USP Leavenworth while he is still held under the jurisdiction of the warden of FCI Florence. FCI Florence has taken away his ability to visit his family at USP Leavenworth.

A motion to preserve all video outside lieutenant Wilcox’s office, the room Eric was held in a 5 point restraint and outside his cell at USP Florence so all video destroyed will be an apparent effort to destroy evidence of his assault and torture



Eric’s communication restriction is dangerous to ALL political prisoners

Why is this communication ban between Eric and his wife important to ALL political prisoners??


The communication restriction is obviously important because it is not only illegal and super harmful for a prisoner to be cut off from their family. This adds to the trauma Eric and his family has experienced and that is very purposeful. However that is not the most problematic AND DANGEROUS aspect of this situation.

One of the reasons given by USP Leavenworth is communication is restricted because it THREATENS THE ORDER AND SECURITY OF THE INSTITUTION”. Eric’s wife is a member of his support crew and the point of contact regarding needs Eric has, communications to be shared with community, and action Eric wishes the community to take. Along with most of the letters that Eric sends specifying what help he needs going missing or delayed, the phone block makes it near impossible to be able to support Eric.

The institution and BOP has successfully taken a political prisoner and isolated him from his support people due to perceived “security risks”. If we allow this to happen to one federal political prisoner we are opening the door to allowing this to happen to all federal political prisoners. Eric’s current situation is the “canary in the coal mine” right now for the safety of political prisoners. It is urgent that we use all resources and courses of action against the BOP and USP Leavenworth to show them we will not permit this to happen.

We ask that folks keep an eye out for various email and online blitzes. If folks have legal contacts they can share for civil or constitutional suits we would love to be connected. Any resources at all are appreciated. We ask that folks continue to call into both the regional office and USP Leavenworth. And share as much as they can with your local community if you can find a way to show Eric solidarity or effective action calling out the BOP please do so. Get creative.