Update on Erics Confinement

We have word from Eric. He is being held in segregation at McCreary. He was immediately intercepted by SIS officers upon arriving and put into the special housing unit. It appears McCreary is just a spot to hold him while the BOP is working out where they send him. Right now he can not receive books, photos, post cards or cards. EVERYTHING needs to be written in blue or black ink on standard paper. Please do not use any thicker stock or borders on the paper. Letters with mailing labels will be rejected.

Eric is only being allowed 2 envelopes a week so there is a good chance he will not be able to respond to letters, nonetheless they are appreciated and something for him to continue to feel connected to the world.
What Eric needs:
If you sent a book from his booklist please wait to see if Amazon returns it to you. If it is not returned can you shoot an email to erickingsupportcrew(at)riseup.net and let us know what book it was so we can put it back on his list. We dont know if the books will be returned but he will not receive them.  When he gets where he is going he will need books right away.
Because he is sitting in isolation with hardly any stimulation he would love if folks could send him articles. He loves science, space, Manchester United football club, he loves silly jokes, to keep up on what is happening in the world, short stories… he is pretty easy to please. Please copy the text into a document before printing. any colored font will not make it in, so those pesky link texts seem to cause problems.
It is unknown how long he will be held here or if his communication will continue to be limited with his wife and children when he lands in the next spot. He is hoping that they will be able to visit as fast as possible when he lands. Any donation to travel funds would be appreciated.
Today marks 218 days in complete isolation for him. While it seemed that things were coming to an end, they back-slid again and we await what will happen next. He is one of only 398 of 180,193 prisoners in the BOP being currently held in segregation this long.
Your support has helped Eric get through this and not feel so alone.

Eric King 27090045

P.O. BOX 3000

EK Support Crew

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