“I don’t know what to write Eric about”

Eric King 27090045
FCI Englewood
9595 w Quincy ave
Littleton co 90501

Ridiculous list of things Eric is into

  • Soccer/Football – Thumbs up- Manchester united, celtics, Sporting KC. Thumbs down Leeds, Chelsea, Arsenal or Manchester City :p
  • Dad Jokes
  • Crawly things
  • Puns
  • Alliterations
  • IRA
  • New science stuff you have read about
  • Comedians, Comedies, Anything funny
  • Boxing news
  • The moon
  • memes
  • “non-bro country”
  • Folk punk
  • So much music
  • yes even Taylor Swift
  • Witchcraft
  • Making lists
  • Bad Cartoons
  • Scrabble
  • Hearing about the misfortunes of officers/nazis
  • saying “I head this story on NPR the other day”
  • Stories of animals punking humans
  • The american football team who shall not be named from Kansas City
  • Poetry

Talk to Eric about things he is reading..

We will find a better way to provide this, but these are the books most recently sent to Eric from his booklist

Please write on only white paper
Please use a white envelope without a label
Please refrain from talking about his current case
Please be aware that not only will Eric be reading said letter, but so will the Prison, Feds, Prosecutor ect
No cards 🙁

UPDATE- Eric in Quarantine with COVID and Mail Ban TEMPORARILY Lifted- Message from Eric

On the 27th Eric and 95 other prisoners tested positive at FCI Englewood. Per a letter from the 22nd it seems that someone in Erics unit had been sick for 6 days and was not tested or isolated from even his cellmate. Despite the fact Englewood has had a rapid screen machine since may per FOIA documents. (https://www.bop.gov/foia/docs//Current_AbbottIDNow_Machine_Locations_5192020.pdf) They also failed to follow protocol and because of that in a single day they had 95 positive tests. 

This is incredibly frustrating because at the End of October Englewood had no active COVID cases when the BOP thought it was a good idea to sent employees from FCI Florence where there were active staff cases to FCI Englewood to seemingly intimidate him (https://supportericking.org/2020/11/02/11-2-2020-update-eric/). Within 10 days the first staff positive showed up and within a month there are at least 126 active prisoner cases and  30 active staff cases.  ( 

Florence isn’t doing too much better. Yet the two complexes are STILL sharing staff. 

We received this message  to folks prior to him getting sick he wanted to share 

Hello hello hello! 

I want to check in with everyone who cares ( and all the government creeps stalking the page, we see you we still hate you FTTP) this was supposed to be the month my Mail “privileges” were returned. Apparently a differing opinion about what six months means might push it back to January. I’m working with the admin here to have that corrected. I really miss letters. I missed my friends, caring about your lives, adventures, pets all of it hopefully soon we can get to chatting again and building/ maintaining strong friendships. I’ve been getting some magazines recently, either in bundle packages or subscriptions THANK YOU so f’n much. magazines and books are so crucial, when you’re stuck in the damn SHU forever, they can be a lifeline to the world. Thank you billions to everyone who have looked out for me in any way. 

We are still pending trial, still in the SHU, still going through it and things have not been pleasant really. I commend everyone who took to the streets, who continue to fight in 1000 different ways. Trump’s gone, Barr’s gone, nothing is changing though. Police and prisons still exist, our enemies still exist, hunger still exists, patriarchy, imperialism, capitalism all still exist. 

I love you all, thank you for everything! 

Until All Prisons Are Rubble, Antifa ALWAYS (A)  

-EK (A) 

Eric’s book list has been closed because the prison has been super sketchy about sometimes just choosing to and all the books he receives back. he feels really bad about the funds that are wasted when this happens. But he has been regularly receiving his books so we’re going to give this another go and open his book list again!

We just received news that Erics mail ban has expired however he was told there was a 99.9% chance that they will give him another 6 month correspondence restriction. 6 more months cut off from the world during a global pandemic. Mail is the only actual right that a prisoner has in prison. And the Bill Barr BOP has found a way to take it away from him for a year. As well as TWO years of illegal phone restrictions at this point.

If you can or feel so inclined to do so and want to send some love as fast as you possibly can please today drop something in the mail

Eric King 27090045
FCI Englewood
9595 W Quincy ave
Littleton Co 80501

Please keep it light, nothing about his case, COVID, or mail ban.

He misses everyone SO MUCH and just wants to hear from his friends. He was pretty sick but feels he may be on the mend

Read Eric’s article in Solitary Watch!

Eric’s amazing account of life in solitary confinement in the Bureau of Prisons has been featured in Solitary Watch. Read about the lived experience of people in the system and not experts! This article beautifully describes the Kafkaesque existence of over 10,000 people being housed in segregation for at least 23 hours a day in the Bureau of Prisons.


Certain Days 2021 calendars are HERE!

They’re back from the printer. Lay your hands upon the 2021 Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners calendar! This is our twentieth edition and we are so excited to share them with you. You can order them in any quantity:In the United States via Burning Bookshttps://burningbooks.com(Use BULK discount code for 10 and more!)In Canada1-9 copies via Kersplebedebhttps://www.leftwingbooks.net/certain-days-202110+ copies via https://www.certaindays.org/order/Prisoner copies are just $8 and can be ordered at https://www.certaindays.org/order/prisoners/(you buy them and we ship them!)

11/2/2020 Update Eric

The week before last Eric was “accidentally” escorted into a room before his disciplinary hearing where the captain who authorized his prolonged 4 point restraints, (who was involved in beating him while he was cuffed up). was just chilling waiting for him. This is the second time this month he has been walked into a room that an officer who will be called to testify against him in his case was sitting in.

He wanted to share his disciplinary hearing report so folks understand what the BOP is attempting with any anarchist group. This isn’t the first time the CTU or counter terrorism unit. If you look here they falsely added the counter terrorism unit to his last shot and mysteriously rewrote the shot to remove it. https://supportericking.org/2020/06/26/a-tale-of-two-shots/

As of right now he has been found guilty of 26 disciplinary shots since arriving at FCI Englewood in August of 2019 (numerous others have bee n thrown out). Prior to being attacked in 2018 he had only received ONE disciplinary write-up since he entered the BOP.

It is a bit concerning that the BOP is sending staff from a prison with an active staff COVID outbreak into FCI Englewood to do his disciplinary hearing. Especially since the next week FCI Englewood went from 0 cases to 1 staff case.

This month Eric has been exposed to at least 3 staff from the Florence complex.

In addition to the usual bullshit at the prison the Colorado Federal Attorneys office has postponed the scheduling of jury trials until after January. This is unprecedented. This means that the federal holding facilities are just piling up pre-trial prisoners and no one has any idea when they will ever have the chance to have a trial. With mounting civil unrest and COVID federal prisoners ARE BEING HELD WITHOUT TRIALS. Until further notice. They are being held in facilities riddled with COVID with the death toll climbing.

He can receive books and magazines from publisher or clearly marked from some sort of books for prisoners group. There is a major risk in sending him books and whatnot and that is at any minute they can and will change the rules, stop giving them to him, reject. And you can loose the money spent sending them, or the book potentially could go missing. This is something to keep in mind when sending anything.

Eric should have a review regarding his mail block soon. We really have no idea how it will play out. Once a block is in place it is so easy to just keep it in place for the prison. His illegal phone block was implemented almost 2 years and he STILL has not had his first 6 month review.

“The brutality doesn’t stop with the arrest” 2 poems by Eric King


Police Brutality is state brutality,
it’s the media calling a protest “violent”
after pigs fired weapons and toxins,
into crowds of people exercising their “rights”.

If the knee hadn’t strangled George,
the “justice “system would have.
He would have been arrested
for trying to exchange non sanctioned paper
placed into federal custody.
He would have waited months
before being sent to federal prison
stripped of his “rights”, dignity, family contact ….for YEARS.

Police brutality is more than guns and sprays,
it is scanning every single piece of Mail you receive.
Its preventing you from speaking to your mom, post-surgery.
It’s convincing you that  YOU’RE the reason
It’s the longing for your partner’s touch,
while knowing,
your captives make six figures
to hold you in a fucking box


Police brutality is state normalcy.
It’s knowing that protests are popping off
not 5 minutes away
and the only thing stopping you from joining them
is 5 janky doors

It’s the sadness,
thinking that those in the streets,
overlooked the fact that we in here,
suffering the existence of police brutality
mentally, physically, existentially

It’s the indoctrination,
being taught
that we deserve this,
and there is no way out
except through their rules
and the goodness of their hearts.

That the days of Bill Dunne, Assata are over,
picket signs don’t bend steel.

Police normality,
is convincing us
that those arrested
deserve their treatment.

Those five doors may as well be 500

“A Raging Heart”

“it’s about how I’m feeling both physically and emotionally. The rage comes from not only the violence itself, but also their refusal to acknowledge their role in it. this annoying indoctrination where authority convinces us that we did these things to ourselves. Every time the head cracking is brought up someone will say “you should have kicked him” or “well you weren’t innocent”… As if I slammed my own head into the ground. Not a single admin said it was wrong or fucked up, though a few good guards have. I didn’t break my own laws, I didn’t build my own prisons, I didn’t attack myself in a fucking closet. There is no ‘criminal thinking’ there is a strong will and a raging heart and maybe a miscalculating brain. They do this shit baby, convincing us that all punishment is our own doing, we do it to ourselves… We are infanticized then whipped for throwing tantrums. we aren’t allowed to be adults but we are disciplined with grown up punishment. This mind game that most people buy into “I am bad, I do bad, I need to adapt and be better” …that is sickening isn’t it? My accountability isn’t to you and only for the purpose of getting to you at no point do I EVER want to be seen as adapting or adjusted to prison… That is a twisted game”

Update- September 2020

Eric would like to update folks with some info,

It is pretty impossible to count the amount of retaliatory disciplinary write ups since Eric has arrived at FCI Englewood that the prison has attempted to send to the FBI for investigation. These are some of the latest rejections that the FBI determined there was no grounds for prosecution.

In addition, the write-up that Eric received after he was attacked by an officer On April 3rd 2020 in the showers of FCI Englewood was not only rejected for investigation by the FBI, the BOP’s own disciplinary system expunged the disciplinary write-up that claimed Eric assaulted this officer. The “court” within the BOP, that requires little to no evidence could not even proceed with the disciplinary process.

We would hope that since it has been proved beyond reasonable doubt that Eric had no part in his own assault the Captain and Warden will decide to actually investigate this officer’s behavior towards Eric leading up to the assault and the complaints that were filed, as well as the harassment from this officer after the assault. However no one is going to hold their breath.

Black August 2020 Reflections

Hiya pals,

We are midway through black August and I’ve been doing lots of thinking, fasting, and trying to grow as a person and as a radical anarchist. Lots of fitness , reading, mentally taking stock.

This is my third black August in SHU. I was thrown into segregation two years ago on August 17th and was kept within for a year pending prosecution, then after they brought these new charges, we’ve done another year pretrial. It’s been a rough two years filled with restrictions, violence, abuse but also love strength and friendship. Resistance is strong.

Last years black August was spent partially at USP Lee, where I met Thomas Smith (aka Mad Dog) a blood leader an revolutionary who was also participating. He had been in SHU at that point for 18 months pending an ADX transfer. We fasted together, had long conversations on resistant strength and what it means to be a revolutionary today. I still think of Mad Dog often an encourage everyone to write and send reading material into him.

Thomas D Smith 14998045
PO BOX 8500

This year I began with the basics, I fast to feel the hunger, to remember the pain and sacrifices of those before me, those fighting today. To fast I cutoff breakfast, eat a full lunch and then only half my dinner. And then I add another hour of fitness… this is difficult sometimes because the dizziness of the head trauma is always there, but I keep moving. Every chance I get to be active, I am active. Then mentally I’ve dedicated 30 minutes in the morning before breakfast, and an hour at night, to think about what this all means. What it means to be a political prisoner and how I can be an ally while inside. Also though, what it means to be a person, to be kind, to strive for decency in a world of repression and savagery. To be a good husband, father and comrade.

Black August to me isn’t just about George Jackson… It’s about Jaan and Sundita, Dr shakur and Oso… it’s about Mad Dog and Sean Swain it’s about everyone who dedicated their lives to their ethics an found themselves fighting for dignity and humanity. It’s about those outside who will fight selflessly for us . It’s about George Floyd but also it’s about all of us who have learned that the cops inside don’t wear bodycams… Supporters are our reporters. ( btw Can we get people to protest actual prisons instead of just jails? She is serious inside it can’t just be overlooked, can it? )

I value black August because it helps refocus my thoughts and energies. Reminds me I’m not the first to go through this, the hardest or longest. Reminds me of my privilege even within the terror they inflict on me. Since there have been prisons out there, there has been prison abuse and prisoners that have been traumatized , beaten, raped, deprived, killed. Prisoners have fought back, organized and shown solidarity, gone on strike, resisted, rioted, fasted… Our resistance is long in history and powerful in memory and spirit.

My love goes out to the political prisoners throughout the country and the world, those who resist on any terms those who have gone through it and been released and survived, and those in the street who won’t let us be buried.

Struggle sees struggle,  Until all are rubble FTTP

-EK (A) (///)

Anarchy Always (Fuck WB)