A poem written by Eric
I was arrested by two ugly shades,
holding two ugly guns
pointed directly at my face
wearing a backpack full of gasoline and paint thinner
One to create, one to tear down
pockets full of shells and notes to remember
my tshirt was solid black
my jeans hadn’t been washed in weeks
Calvin was patted and released
he had to work for me that night
the cops of me of the beatings and sexual assault
that I had to look forward to that evening in holding
while handcuffed to a bench
stayed there for 3 days
ate 1 cinnamon bun
Was wearing the red pumas with the white laces
that Andrea had given me for surviving to be 25
achievements of all sizes
I was arrested on September 16th, 3 years ago
although it always feels
much longer ago
the interrogator was
fuming after my laughing
after they asked if “was
this an occupy plot?!”
They had a warrant for my
A warrant for my spit
My mom cried on the
phone ” your family saw
you all over the news!
And they used a terrible picture!”
Eric has been locked up for three years now, he was arrested on September 16th 2014. Between Kansas, Oklahoma, and now Colorado he has seen a lot of different jails and prisons and has had his share of struggles along the way. There’s no denying it has been a long road and unfortunately there’s an even longer road ahead.
The support and solidarity we can provide Eric in the coming months and years will only help him in maintaining his spirit, fortitude and overall position in a very tough place. He has said many times that the time he has spent in the S.H.U (secure housing unit) at various points along the way would have been much harder if it wasn’t for the love and support he received in the form of letters, cards, and books. It’s clear that is also the case while he does his time in the general population.
There are a multitude of reasons why it may take Eric time to write you back, or unfortunately not be able to write back at all. However, please know he very much appreciates and gains strength from every piece of mail he gets. So please keep him on your mind, spread the word about his plight, and keep the mail coming.
You can write Eric at:
Eric King # 27090045
PO BOX 6000
We’d also like to take the time to remind you about a new edition to our website which is the Merch page. Please take some time to see if there’s anything you’d like that we are offering there and then pass around the link. The money we raise will go towards commissary, phone calls for Eric as well as travel funds so his partner can visit him more easily.
Thank you so much to everyone around the world for the support and solidarity,
The Eric King Support Crew