The Final Straw Radio released an episode today featuring an interview with Eric’s partner. This interview gives great insight into everything that’s been going down with Eric over the last few months and how it effects him and his family. The episode also features an interview and update by A-Radio Berlin on the Mapuche caravan in so-called Chile.
Erics Attack and Torture at FCI Florence
You can help by calling into the prison, numbers and script here
On Aug 17th (the day after my wife’s cancer was removed via surgery) after reviewing an email I sent, Lt Wilcox called me into his office. On my arrival the new SIS (Special Investigative Services ) creep took me back to a mop closet. Wilcox is about 2 inches taller 30-40 lbs heavier. He is known for screaming and tough guying, making sure no one forgets what a bad ass he is.
Upon entering the mop closet he immediately begins baiting me to fight him, telling me if I hate cops so bad I should prove it by getting him. It should be noted at this point I was one week away from finally transferring to a low security prison which I had worked towards for a year of excellent work and disciplinary record. Was called a “model prisoner” (lol) in my team meetings. This was all I wanted and I was doing everything in my power to get there. But Wilcox had different ideas.
I laughed in his face, not taking some bullshit bait. Then he ordered the SIS officer out of the office for privacy and to “take care of some shit” He faced up to me and began yelling about terrorists and how bad he hates them.
Wilcox at this point lost his shit and screams in my face “you killed my daughters” at this point he was wild and seemed delusional. I asked if an anarchist killed his daughters. As he was loosing it he was threatening all sorts of vigilante justice to have me raped and killed. He made this gurgling noise and spit on me and shoved me and began to attack me.
I am no tough guy but I did box for 15 years or so & we just saw what the pigs did to Herman. It felt like they were going to kill me here and now before my transfer. So I defended myself… and I hit him back I can say that no punch in the world ever felt so good.
At this point the goons came in (4 guards) I put my hands over my head and they dragged me out and as I was on the ground kicked my head, stomach, ribs all over telling me they were going to kill me and I should just die.
I was put in a 4 point restraint bed. It was like being crucified and was left for 7 hours denied medical care in my own blood and urine. My face was unrecognizable, my glasses stolen (still no glasses), my wrists are still numb and it is difficult for me to even write letters.
This led to a horrible shitty traumatic 5 days. I was transferred to USP Florence (without authorization from the BOP) and held in a cell with a toilet clogged with someone else’s shit that wouldn’t flush, strobe lights overhead. Denied mail, access to my lawyer (she was putting in requests as well). When the nurse came to provide care the guards sent her away and wouldn’t let her check me out saying “he is mean and doesn’t deserve care” Sis took me into a room and forced me to sign a deposition. They said I would not be allowed access to my lawyer unless I signed and would stay in that cell. I made clear I was signing under duress.
I wasn’t aware my team was fighting for me and felt like because the facility locks down all of the time no one would get word, but folks inside had my back and a message was sent before they shut the computers down. If my team wouldn’t have been pressuring the prison they could have continued to torture me for weeks, they could have done anything. Not wanting to deal with the mess Florence decided they needed me out and after 5 days I was sent to the SHU at USP Leavenworth. I sat there still under control of Florence who took away visits, they restricted communication with my family. I have been here 140 days while Florence tried to build a case. The FBI finally notified me they were releasing the case due to the Lt’s behavior. But the BOP gets their pound of flesh. I was just given a shot for “the least serious case of assault” per the BOP. Its all bullshit. It claims I attacked Wilcox during an interview instead of me being dragged to a broom closet and assaulted.
I don’t have delusions that I can argue anything in my disciplinary hearing. This is something prisoners have to suffer from over and over. The disciplinary hearings are basically play acting. Prisoners without evidence are punished over and over. I consider myself lucky to be able to have a voice through this. Many prisoners who are assaulted have no recourse and protection. I would like to take a moment and notice that and if we as a community support prison abolition we need to also recognize just because it happens to our comrades it doesn’t make it any more important than the abuse of ALL prisoners who don’t have support.
I expect the shot to be upheld. The BOP has stated they want to send me to the CMU (communication management unit) they claim I will never walk another yard again during the rest of my time. Waiting to see what horrible spot they send me to.
I have spent 250 or so days of the last 2 years in complete isolation and it begins to completely fuck your head up. I hate this piece of shit (Wilcox) and hope for him to experience any misfortune the universe sends to him. Because of him every time a cop touches me everything goes red and I cant even think. Thank you to everyone for the mail, books and funds… this has been and will be a tough road and all of the love has been amazing. Until All Are Free
EK (A)(///)
4-pt restraint bed
Segregation cells in Leavenworth complete with either freezing temps, flooding and insects.
You can help by calling into the prison, numbers and script here
Updated: Eric’s Communication Restricted: Call in to Help!
Update 2/28/2019
Eric has been moved to the Federal Transfer center in Oklahoma. The phone block is still in place. We will update when he is placed at a new prison and what we can do to continue to fight to open the lines of communication with his family.

- Update 1/25/2019- Communication is significantly delayed. And his wife and team havent received any letters in over a week. It is impossible to know what is happening with Eric right now, although a supporter received a letter indicating as of the 15th he was not hunger striking. What we DO know is Eric still needs your help.The restrictions remain on communication between Eric and his family. He still is not permitted to speak with his children. Assistant Warden Grant told Eric he was blocked because he circumvented the phone system on Dec 1st when he had his mom text his wife what you may ask?? That her number was restricted and he didnt know why. Either Assistant Warden Grant has a time machine or that is not the reason their communication is restricted. He told Eric with a smirk that her number is blocked and staying blocked. SIS tells Eric their communication is restricted because of the call in… the call in… to REMOVE restrictions on his phone.The executive assistant emailed Erics lawyer that the notification happened ON NOVEMBER 20TH so how could a phone call on december 1st and a hunger strike on Jan 1st have caused it? The executive assistant emailed Erics Lawyer that they refuse to remove the block. It was explained to Eric verbally (not policy) and that he understood. If they explained it to him why wont they tell him again? What would that hurt? He also blamed the FBI investigation (dropped before the block) for the restriction.
The medical staff have notified Eric that because of the hunger strike they are taking him off the list for glass. Despite being on the list for a year at Florence and then 162 days so far with NO glasses at all they will make him start from the beginning. Reading and writing letters is incredibly difficult.
we ask that folks continue to call into USP Leavenworth and the Regional office and keep your eye out for an upcoming online inspector general complaint blitz
- Update 1/16/19: On the fourth day of his hunger strike Eric was able to get a five minute call to his wife in exchange for eating dinner on 1/14/19 by negotiating with the prison. He has been standing strong and is in good spirits. He has definitely sent the message to the prison that he is backed up by our support on the outside. He has shown them that he is motivated and that he will see this out. The lower level administration is desperately trying to find answers for him as to why Leavenworth restricted his communication with his partner. It was explained to him (as our research showed) that for a prison to restrict a spouse’s communication there is a complicated process that must be followed; we know that this was 100% not done.Yesterday the executive assistant at Leavenworth gave false information saying that Eric was informed on November 20th, 2018 at 12pm (an oddly specific and arbitrary time and date) that the communication restriction was being put in place and why. This is a blatant lie. Both Eric and his Lieutenant were shocked by this information because no one else at Leavenworth seems to have this same understanding. It seems that the warden, the executive assistant and only upper-level staff at Leavenworth have this information and they are doing whatever they can to keep it and cover it up (likely because they know that the proper processes were not followed). They have gone so far as to ‘lose’ two of the grievances EK filed in the last two months trying to get information.Their time is up. We are sending (with your help!) an effective message to the prison that we are watching and we are going to make their lives hell until this is fixed. That Eric is not standing alone in this. They know now, after negotiating with him and getting him to eat only in exchange for a 5 minute phone call with his wife, that he will continue the hunger strike until the lines of communication are open again. Eric resumed the hunger strike the next morning. We need the community to continue to stand strong with Eric and keep making phone calls. Thank you all for your continued help and support.
- Update 1/14/19: In addition to calling the north-central regional office it is urgent that calls begin to come into USP Leavenworth. The prison has just made us aware that not only was it a choice made by them to restrict communication but they are blatantly lying saying they made him aware. Not only that they are refusing to provide proof that legal procedures were followed they are refusing to even respond to his grievances that were made TWO MONTHS ago. Leavenworth needs be held accountable for this.Contact USP Leavenworth:913-682-8700
The executive assistant who lied today would I am sure love to hear from you: LVN/[email protected]
Eric is still being held at USP Leavenworth after being assaulted by staff at FCI Florence. He still is being held without charges, disciplinary write-ups, or any disciplinary hearings for more than 140 days. He is still under the jurisdiction of FCI Florence and this month when he tried to call his wife for his one phone call a month he found that their communication was restricted and he was unable to call. EK remains without an explanation as everyone refuses to provide any information as to why his phone communication has been cut off.
This is incredibly problematic not only for Eric and his family for all political prisoners. If the BOP is able to block communication with Eric despite laws and regulations what is to stop them from restricting communication of other political prisoners from their support and family.
Eric is being held in absolute segregation without even a cellmate at USP Leavenworth and has been now for over 137 days now. This added to his previous time in isolation makes his time served about a year of his total prison time which is very traumatic and triggering. Eric is still dealing with the emotions that have resulted from the incidents that took place in Florence as well as that he has been unable to see his family for over 4 months now. He has missed holidays and birthdays. The day he was attacked was the day following his wife’s surgery for cancer therefore he has missed being able to process subsequent medical problems with her. He is faced with the realization that for the remainder of his sentence he will be far from his wife and kids. The letters and support he has received has been amazing and he is so thankful. While he processes the trauma and grief we ask that you stand with him and continue to show support.
We ask that folks call as often as they can and to as many offices as they can. Take a block of time and call the same number over and over, request difference staff’s voicemail. Get creative but show them that we are watching and ready to protect our friend and comrade.
We got word that Eric was planning on going on a hunger strike beginning yesterday if he didn’t have answers. As there is a prolonged delay in mail right now he may have already began. If this is the case it is so important that we hit the phone lines as hard as possible on Monday.
BOP North Central Regional Office
Call: 913-621-3939
Ask for: Director Jeffrey Krueger. If denied ask to speak with his assistant. If denied again, demand the person answering the phone take down a message.Email: NCRO/[email protected]
FCI Florence
Call: 719-784-9100
Ask for: The warden/assistant warden, the legal department, Counselor Quintana, Counselor Rivera. If denied demand the person answering the phone take down a message.
Email: FLF/[email protected]
Sample Script:
Hi I am calling about Eric King, #27090045 to demand that his phone restriction be lifted. It is unacceptable to take away a prisoner’s calls to his wife and family without any notice and without him being brought up on any charges. We demand that Eric is provided with proof that proper procedure was followed and that his two month old grievance on the issue is addressed. Restrictions on his communication with his spouse needs to be lifted immediately”
Thank you for all of your help and continued support!
Until all are free.
-EK Support Crew
Below is the BOP and DOJ program statement regarding communication restrictions. This information can be valuable during conversations with the prison.
Excerpt from U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons P R O G R A M S T A T E M E N T OPI: CPD/CPB NUMBER: 5265.14 DATE: April 5, 2011
7. RESTRICTED GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE § 540.15 Restricted general correspondence. (a) The Warden may place an inmate on restricted general correspondence based on misconduct or as a matter of classification. For this restriction, the term “classification” is used to identify categories of behavior. Determining factors include the inmate’s: P5265.14 4/5/2011 Federal Regulations are shown in this type. Implementing instructions: this type. 11
(1) Involvement in any of the activities listed in § 540.14(d); 28 CFR § 540.14(d) is contained in Section 6.d. of this Program Statement.
(2) Attempting to solicit funds or items (e.g., samples), or subscribing to a publication without paying for the subscription;
(3) Being a security risk;
(4) Threatening a government official; or
(5) Having committed an offense involving the mail.
(b) The Warden may limit to a reasonable number persons on the approved restricted general correspondence list of an inmate. A recommendation to place an inmate on restricted correspondence is made by the unit team during the inmate‟s program review or by the Unit Disciplinary Committee (UDC) or Disciplinary Hearing Officer (DHO), when restricted correspondence is required by an infraction of an institution rule. Action taken by the UDC or DHO as a disciplinary sanction is ordinarily based on a finding of violation of correspondence regulations.
(c) The Warden shall use one of the following procedures before placing an inmate on restricted general correspondence.
(1) Where the restriction will be based upon an incident report (the restriction began prior to ANY incident report), procedures must be followed in accordance with inmate disciplinary regulations (part 541, subpart B of this chapter). Part 541, subpart B, refers to the Program Statement Inmate Discipline and Special Housing Units.
(2) Where there is no incident report, the Warden:
(i) Shall advise the inmate in writing of the reasons the inmate is to be placed on restricted general correspondence;
(ii) Shall give the inmate the opportunity to respond to the classification or change in classification; the inmate has the option to respond orally or to submit written information or both; and P5265.14 4/5/2011 Federal Regulations are shown in this type. Implementing instructions: this type. 12
(iii) Shall notify the inmate of the decision and the reasons, and shall advise the inmate that the inmate may appeal the decision under the Administrative Remedy Procedure.
(d) When an inmate is placed on restricted general correspondence, the inmate may, except as provided in §§ 540.16 and 540.17: 28 §§ CFR 540.16 and 540.17 refer to Sections 8 and 9, respectively, of this Program Statement.
(1) Correspond with the inmate’s spouse, mother, father, children, and siblings, unless the correspondent is involved in an violation of correspondence regulations, or would be a threat to the security or good order of the institution; The word “spouse” includes a common-law relationship which has previously been established in a state which recognizes this status. In states that do not, a common-law relationship is not considered “immediate family.” For determination of applicable state laws, consult the Regional Counsel.
(2) Request other persons also to be placed on the approved correspondence list, subject to investigation, evaluation, and approval by the Warden; with prior approval, the inmate may write to a proposed correspondence to obtain a release authorizing an investigation; and (3) Correspond with former business associates, unless it appears to the Warden that the proposed correspondent would be a threat to the security or good order of the institution, or that the resulting correspondence could reasonably be expected to result in criminal activity. Correspondence with former business associates is limited to social matters. Verification Procedures. Each year it becomes more difficult to obtain information from law enforcement agencies on proposed correspondents. For this reason, staff attempt to secure information from other sources, including the inmate, the proposed correspondent, and the U.S. Probation Officer. Each institution develops its own verification procedures, depending on the sophistication of its inmates and resources for verification. A release from the individual in question may be necessary (for example, under the Privacy Act) to complete the investigation. If a release is needed, the inmate is responsible for obtaining it, and is permitted to write to the correspondent for this purpose.
(e) The Warden may allow an inmate additional correspondence with persons other than those on the inmate’s approved mailing list when the correspondence is shown to be necessary and does not require an addition to the mailing list because it is not of an ongoing nature.
“Can I live” poem by Eric King
here is a poem Eric wrote more recently:
Can I Live?
One time can I touch this grass
Feel that breeze
That refuses to blow down these walls
Can I be angry, break anything!
Or passionate?
Can I let that passion grow
Like a poisonous vine
To be wrapped around my enemies necks
Can I live MY anarchy, even if I’m flawed
Can my rebel heart pump revolutionary blood the way I FEEL it, may I feel it?
Without my leashes placed to reel me in
Can I fight my daily oppression
Without having to duck fist and spittle
Can I live wild a little?
Can I be fucked up, cry sometimes, because convictions don’t erase fears
Can I bruise my fist or color my body without a permission slip
Can I speak without a ball and chain
Shackled to my tongue
Can I let loose my spirit
Let it flourish, watch it destroy
Can I refuse to be submissive
To any state or movement
That puts tacks in my boots
To keep me constrained
Can I get a sip of water
If I’m forced to be stale
Can I spit that water in every face
That’s dipped my wings
Can I sing? Top of my lungs until my one neighbor in the entire unit bangs on the wall
Can I pretend I’m every atom even the ones hurting me
Can I just live without control
Love with all my heart
Insurrect with all my desire
Laugh with all my being
Cry with all my worries
Can I be loved if I fuck up
And just do me?
Can I live just one time.
“Pacing in my cell” a poem by Eric king
A poem about Erics experience at CCA
I am pacing in my cell
My skin is still on fire from the paper spray
that I was bathed in 8 days ago
No clean clothes have been provided, no shower either
I am scared because I don’t understand the process
or the noises, or the smells
Don’t understand why they aren’t giving me a shower
or a fucking towel, or fucking toothpaste
My jaw still hurts, my eyes wont’ stop watering
It hurts to swallow anything
I am pacing my cell letting ever pig know
that if they open this door I am attacking
If they have the gaul, I will provide everything else
8 days ago I charged into a group of COs
fist swinging, refusing to let them disrespect my cell mate
I didnt make it far, multiple cans emptied onto my face
Punched, kneed, slammed down
A knee on the back of my throat, a CO grabs my hair
and lifts up my face, while another pulls my hair back
and eyes open
to ensure I get the full affect
This is my 2nd time in seg here..this time will last 10 months
I will be stuck in a cell with no lights
Served spoon sized portions of food, be denied medical care
I will meet some of my best friends and I will fall in love
My spirit will enlarge and my rage at the system will deepen
I received my property a full 3 weeks later
My first shower came 10days after the spraying
skin still has burn spots
I am pacing my cell, waiting.
Update on EK in the SHU
A quick update since Eric is still in the Specialized Housing Unit (SHU, segregation) and it is unknown how long he will be there. He still hasn’t received a write-up nor has he been brought up on charges, but is facing a precarious situation. Eric also has some new rules regarding mail. All paper has to be plain white or regular lined notebook paper. Envelopes have to be straight white or manila if sending something larger. Eric is also unable to receive cards.
As folx know Eric has been through a lot of trauma recently and really could use support through mail and always always books. He was pretty badly hurt, he misses his family and really needs the community right now. Eric is so grateful for all the support, letters, and books he has received so far. We in the support crew are so appreciative of people showing our friend the love!
Please keep Eric in your mind and heart, these are hard times and our friend will need a ton of solidarity and help in the coming months.
You can find his Amazon wish-list here:
Eric King # 27090045
P.O. BOX 1000
As always, until all are free-
EK Support Crew
Updated: Eric King is now in the S.H.U & Moved to USP Leavenworth!
Greetings everyone!
It was just brought to our attention that Eric was sent to the Secure Housing Unit (S.H.U., the hole, solitary confinement, etc) yesterday (8/17/18). At this point we do not have all the details, but it does seem like Eric will be in the S.H.U for the foreseeable future given what we know so far. We will be sure to update everyone once we get more information on the situation.
Eric is so appreciative of all of the mail he had received for his birthday, but unfortunately he won’t have any of it with him to respond to, so if you’re interested in writing him again he’d really appreciate that. We also encourage everyone to send him a note or a postcard or anything. The S.H.U is an even darker place then general population as a lot of you are aware of, so we have a couple of suggestions of easy ways to brighten up an otherwise drab cell he’ll be spending 23 hours a day in for a period of time.
If folks are willing and able, it would be great to include some articles about news, books, media, scientific discoveries, etc or pictures of beautiful nature spots by printing them off of a computer (remember, prisoners cannot get articles ripped out of the newspaper, polaroids, or real photographs).
Or, if you have money burning a hole in your pocket, please also consider sending Eric a book to get him some reading material while he’s in the S.H.U.
This is an already particularly stressful time for Eric with the struggles his partner is going through, so if you could help us pass this along and encourage folks to write to Eric he would really appreciate that.
Update 8/22/18: Eric is still in the SHU but has been moved AGAIN to USP Leavenworth. You can write to him here:
Eric King #27090-045
P.O. BOX 1000
Update 8/19/18: Eric is still in the SHU but has been moved to a high security federal prison. You can write to him here:
Eric King #27090-045
USP Florence – High
US Penitentiary
PO Box 7000
Florence, CO 81226
Thank you all for your continued support! Until all are free!
– EK Support Crew
Eric King’s birthday is coming up on August 2nd!

Greetings everyone!
Mark your calendars, Eric turns 32 on Thursday, August 2nd and he would love to hear from any and all supporters! Make plans to get together with some friends to fill out a birthday card and/or send off some letters to Eric! Check out our Support Materials tab to see the hand bills and posters that we have ready for people to download and print off to continue in the effort to raise awareness about Eric King and his plight.
On September 16th, not long after Eric turned 28, he was arrested and later sentenced to ten years. For the last four years Eric really has endured quite a bit in the various detention facilities he has been in since the time he was arrested until now. Not only is there the physical toll that prison can bring about but there is a strong emotionally taxing aspect as well.
As you’ve seen in our previous post, Eric’s partner was diagnosed with cancer recently, so we are doing what we can to support them both through this tough time. Please donate and spread the word on the fundraiser that we got started to help support Eric’s partner and family, so when you get together to write letters or fill out greeting cards for Eric’s birthday don’t forget about the fundraiser as well. As usual – every donation counts, no matter how large or how small.
Typically we also take the occasion to make sure we remind you about two other political prisoners who have birthdays during the same week that Eric celebrates his: Debbie Africa’s on August 4th and Bill Dunne’s is on the 3rd. Since Eric’s is on the 2nd, we can easily remember to send a card to all three when we decide to send a card to Eric. Except this year, after 40 years of captivity Debbie Africa was released from a Pennsylvania state prison and into the arms of family and friends on June 17th of this year!!!!
So, as we move forward we would like to remind everyone that Bill Dunne turns 65 on Friday, August 3rd, and has been imprisoned since October 14th, 1979. He is still at FCI Victorville in southern California. While our focus is on Eric King, we here at the Eric King support crew support all political prisoners!
Here is Bill’s current mailing address to send cards and letters of support:
Bill Dunne #10916-086
FCI Victorville Medium I
PO Box 3725
Adelanto, California 92301
And here is Eric’s current mailing address:
Eric King # 27090045
FCI Florence
Federal Correctional Institution
PO BOX 6000
Florence, CO 81226
Thank you so much for the continued support!
Until all are free!
-EK Support Crew
Support Eric and his family
Eric’s family needs our help!
On Eric’s behalf the support team is organizing fundraisers for his partner and two children who are currently experiencing financial hardship. On top of complicated health issues, Eric’s partner was recently in a car accident (she is okay!) which has added extra financial stress on the family. Incarceration not only harms those inside but also their family and friends. Eric’s partner tirelessly supports him, facilitates excellent communication between Eric and the outside world, consistently advocates for his rights inside the prison, emotionally supports him through the political battles on the inside, and drives hours to visit him every week, on top on tending to the needs of their children and working.
We are asking all of Eric’s supporters to help out his family by donating directly to the family through the ‘Donate’ tab (or the button below), purchasing the new EK support EP (also below!), or by organizing your own fundraiser for them. If you would like to do your own event, please contact us so we can help you to promote and provide any further details.
People and Power (Solidarity compilation for Eric King)
This compilation was put together in celebration of the recent International Day of Solidarity with Eric King (June 28th). A giant thank you to all of the musicians who donated their work to this album, it’s available for download for $7 (or more), all of which goes directly to Eric and his family. Thank you to GoodFriend Records for promoting it for us.
Reflections on Erics trip to FCI Florence’s SHU
Eric wanted to share the cartoon and write-up that landed him a transfer to FCI Florence from Englewood and a charge for assaulting an officer in January of 2017. This cartoon had a name on it that may have rhymed with a certain officer who threatened his children during a visit. This cartoon resulted in his wife and family not being able to speak to him on the phone or visit him for 105 days. The charge for the cartoon was brought up on Eric after complaints were filed against the prison after the guard threatened their children during a visit. Convenient…
EK defense Crew (A) (///)
The International Day of Solidarity with EK is coming up on the 28th! Shoot him a letter, card or book. Donate to his commissary ( or just share his story with your friends. Let us know what you end up doing! Email erickingsupportcrew at 🙂