Eric King Disciplinary Hearing Update

Eric finally had his long awaited disciplinary hearing on February 10th after his abrupt transfer from FCI Englewood to the S.H.U. (Secure Housing Unit) of FCI Florence on January 6th.   As explained in previous blog posts, this is all for expressions of his political and personal beliefs including some doodles found on a piece of paper in his cell at FCI Englewood.  As a result of the February 10th hearing, Eric received four sanctions: loss of phone, loss of visits, loss of commissary for 60 days, and loss of 27 days of “good time”.  Considering the main allegation was a cartoon these are pretty harsh restrictions. Eric has been bumped up from a low to a medium security level and is now awaiting transfer to an unknown facility which will likely be sending him further from his family.

As we well know, the practice of unfairly targeting political prisoners is nothing new.  It is now abundantly clear that we have to prepare for what could be a long and arduous road ahead for Eric.  We are thankful that he now has radical attorney working on his behalf however it is imperative that we continue to strengthen and broaden his support base.

If you haven’t yet listened to a recent Which Side podcast episode featuring one of us discussing Eric’s current situation check it out here and pass it along to all of your friends and comrades!

In the meantime please send love via letter, card or owl post. Transfers can be super intense and scary especially without access to family and friends via phone. Feeling supported can mean the world.




We have these sick t-shirts that are available with donations!
After donating please shoot us an email with the size shirt requested and a mailing address!


Thank you so much for all your continued support!

-EK Support Crew

URGENT! Call to Help Eric King Beat Retaliatory Charges **UPDATE**

UPDATE 1/30:

At this point we have been made aware Eric is still under the custody of Englewood even though he is in Florence. It is them bringing these charges and them investigating this week leading up to his hearing on Friday.

This week we want to focus on calling into Warden Denham at FCI Englewood and call as much as possible. She has available to her an email with details about the incident and a letter sent via mail so they are well aware of the situation

(we will also continue to call the BOP)

Call in script for calling into Englewood:

 FCI Englewood: 303-763-4300
email: ENG/[email protected]

(Ask for Warden Denham, If you can’t get her ask for the Assistant Warden Chief Officer, the Chief of Security, a Lieutenant and so on. Don’t accept a no for an answer)


“I am calling about a situation that played out in the visiting room at
FCI Englewood on December 19th 2016. Officer Ryan Eglington escorted
Eric King (number 27090045) into the restroom and while he was exposed,
threatened disrupt future visits with his family, as well as threatened
harm to his children. This is a very serious issue.

After you failed in being accountable for your staff breaking the law and threatening to
harm children, Eric was brought up on charges on January 6th 2017, the
SAME day that he was told he would finally get an answer regarding this
incident. These charges are retaliatory. Prisoners should not be
punished for seeking treatment free from harassment and threats. The
charges need to be dropped now, and you need hold the officer


We expect Eric to face a disciplinary hearing this Friday (January 27th) for a write-up filed against him in retaliation for him attempting to hold a guard accountable for their actions in the visiting room. Call in to the Inspector General and Bureau of Prisons (BOP) to demand that they investigate this in order to dismiss the disciplinary charges without upping his points; let them know we will not let this go on without a fight.

Below are some more details of the situation:

On December 19th at FCI Englewood during Eric’s visit, Officer Eglington followed Eric into the bathroom and began to harass him while Eric was attempting to use the restroom. When Eric did not respond, Eglington stated that he was going to ruin every visit Eric has and that he was going to have his boys assault Eric’s children. Eric and his partner immediately called the Lieutenant on duty and Officer Eglington was removed from his post that night; the officer was also given a warning for his behavior.

During the next visit on December 23rd, Officer Eglington was assigned the same post in the visiting room and the children were forced to interact with him. Because of this, Eric filed all of the internal forms (BP9) required by the facility to request that Eglington get removed from visitation duty so that the children did not have to endure these emotionally stressful interactions and then feel unsafe during their visits. Eric’s partner also filed a report with the inspector general. The facility let Eric know that he would have an answer on Friday January 6th regarding his complaints.

However, on January 6th, Eric’s partner went to visit him only to be told that he was relocated to Florence awaiting disciplinary charges. The disciplinary charges could further limit visitation/phone calls/access to commissary (which as a vegan is extremely crucial because the BOP only guarantees one fully vegan meal a day). The disciplinary charges will also increase his point level and even possibly relocate him to a disciplinary yard or a prison with much higher security. This would further isolate him from his family, friends, and supporters for the rest of his prison sentence.

It is very clear that these disciplinary charges are retaliation for the incidents that occurred in the visiting room. We CANNOT let them do this to our friend and comrade. We believe that the hearing will be this Friday, January 27,, which means we only have a few days to help our dear friend.

Please call the office of the inspector general and the BOP’s oversight and review division to let them know that these disciplinary charges are retaliation from his attempt to hold a guard accountable after threatening two children. Ask the Inspector General to investigate the complaint.

Below is a script to follow as well as the contact information for the Inspector General and BOP.

Hi I am calling regarding Eric King, who is a prisoner at FCI Florence. His inmate number is 27090045. On Dec 19th a guard at FCI Englewood threatened Eric’s children and internal complaints were filed about the guard’s behavior. When those complaints went unanswered, a complaint with the Inspector General was filed on Jan 3rd and then again on Jan 12th after Eric was brought up on retaliatory charges. So that Eric is not punished for pursuing the proper channels to ensure his and his visitors’ safety, we ask that you please investigate the situation in order to dismiss these disciplinary charges without upping his points and respond to these complaints.


BOP general number: 913-621-3939 speak to the operator and ask for Sarah Revell —- Feel free to email too! NCRO/[email protected]




Thank you so much for responding to this call to action!

-EK Support Crew


update: It seems there are no disciplinary hearings this Friday so we are looking at Friday February 4th

“We Don’t have to” a poem by Eric King

WE dont have to

We dont have to accept this world

We dont have to be ok with the cammo bros

Destroying lives and invading worlds

We dont have to be ok with orange rapist

Becoming leaders

They dont have to be our leaders

We dont have to accept Veterans Day

We dont have to tip toe around these clowns

We dont have to Salute flags and Blue ribbons

We dont have to tolerate predators

We dont have to build fucking walls

and lock fucking cages

We dont have to stand by while this happens

We dont have to stay silent or submissive

We dont have to forget our friends

or pretend they are doing just fine

We dont have to ignore our mental issues

and act like we aren’t on the brink

We dont have to be ok with capitalism

We dont have to fucking buy everything

they push down our throats til were

gagging on god damn receipts

We dont have to laugh at rape jokes

We dont have to quietly endure ‘casual racism’

We dont have to be accept ‘locker room talk’

We don’t have to bow down

We dont have to close our eyes to whats happening

We dont have to belong and fit in

We dont have to devour our world

We dont have to hate and we dont have to stay angry

We dont have to do anything that doesn’t feel right

We dont have to give our support to things that make

us feel uneasy or uncomfortable

We dont have to.

Eric King in SHU awaiting disciplinary charges




We have received word that Eric is being held in the SHU (special housing unit) at FCI Florence with a status of “transfer segregation”. He was told that he is facing charges and that his allegations include writing poems and drawing stick figures depicting violence towards the BOP and the government in general. They also mentioned his support site as well as his desires to live in a world without the state. His disciplinary hearing is in 2-3 weeks. If found guilty Eric will lose access to canteen (something that as a vegan prisoner can be super problematic as the BOP policy is to provide one fully vegan meal a day), among other things he will lose access to visits and “good time”. He does not know what will happen with his placement after the hearing but he does know that he will be bumped up in points and assigned to a medium security prison instead of a low. This means that he will most likely be moved away from his family. Eric can receive letters and magazines (sent from publisher) however no books.  He does not have access to a ton of stamps or paper. As folks who care deeply about Eric and his mental health through this vulnerable and intimidating time we ask that folks please send all of the love you can to Eric. Send cards, letters, postcards, energy and magic his way! Remind him that he is not alone in this fight! (remember that anything that is sent radical in nature stands the possibility to be added to his allegations, please us discretion)

“Love is an acid that eats away bars”

-Solidarity, EK support crew


So, here is EKs new address:

Eric King


FCI Florence

PO Box 6000

Floence, CO 81226


Eric King is in Florence Co awaiting transfer to an unknown facility




On Friday, January 6th we learned that Eric had been moved to another federal prison in Colorado where he is awaiting  transfer to an unknown prison. This was an unexpected move and we are unsure how long he will be in prison there. The support team has become aware that Eric is being held in the Special Housing Unit, otherwise known as ” the hole”.  While Eric is there he will not be able to access his email and will only be allowed one phone call every 30 days. Not being able to contact his family and friends and being so unsure about his future has to feel pretty terrible for him right now. At every juncture, we arrive at with Eric along this journey there will be times where we may have to step up our support efforts and this is one of them.

Please join us in spreading this message far and wide. Take some time to send letters, cards or printed off articles that you think he might find interesting, and encourage others to do the same. Also, please print off and pass out the support flyer to continue getting the word out about Eric’s plight.


So, here is EKs new address:

Eric King


FCI Florence

PO Box 6000

Floence, CO 81226


And here is the support flyer


Thanks everyone! Lets keep up the fight!

-EK Support  Crew

“freedom” a poem by Eric King


We talk about freedom
I dont want freedom to buy whatever I want
freedom to browse a market and pick out the best top
or the latest piece of technology to hide my face
The joys of being free and being able to chose which job
is best to spend the majority of my waking life at
so that I can earn enough money to appreciate
all this capitalist technological freedom
Freedom to pick which fast food restaurant I eat at
How much money I want to pay these pigs
to shovel shit into my face forcing a painful early grave
which beer I want to drink to get drunk the fastest
which car will get me into that tree with the most precision
so I could forget all the fucking freedom I have
Freedom is warm blood
dripping off a knife stuck in a rapists throat
Its warming your hands over a blazing fire in your local precinct
The ability to decide my own limits and live according to them
to grow my own food or barter for what I need
its waking up next to my partner in our home
not trapped by society into working long hours
to buy more fucking freedom
Its waking up when I need to or want to
and making art or challenging myself how I feel
Freedom is making my own choices without fear of punishment
or judgment from anyone including my peers, or a jury of such
Its being released from addictive chains that have been wrapped
around my throat to keep me subdued or limited
brainwashed and bored to death, feeling like a failure because
I didn’t reach my shopping freedom potential!
Its being without anyone’s expectations but my own
Its choosing who I spend my time with and what we spend it doing
It’s kissing for longer than 2 god damn seconds
putting our hands wherever they should be and are wanted
for however long they are wanted to be there
Its exploring our potential and removing walls
so we no longer have to waste so much energy
pushing up against them.
Freedom is a warm kiss, a warm bed, a heart full of love
and a life without others demands.

“They Will Send Ya” a poem by Eric King

28 JANUARY 2010 -- BUCKEYE, AZ: Arizona Department of Corrections officers wait for federal authorities to show up to take control of 51 ADoC inmates. The Arizona Department of Corrections transferred 51 inmates from state control to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement at Lewis Prison in Buckeye Thursday morning. The inmates have less than 90 days left on their sentences and will be deported to their countries of origin when they finish their prison terms.  PHOTO BY JACK KURTZ


To the tune of Johnny Cash’s ‘Everywhere Man’

If you hurt their feelings
they will send ya
Arms to Arkansas
Eyes to Eugene
Lips to Lousiana
Knees to Kentucky
Mouth to Montana
Teeth to Tennessee
Hips to Hawaii
Knuckles to North Carolina
Fingers to Florida
Ribs to Rhode Island
Gums straight to Georgia
Toes to Texas
Areolas to Arizona
My penis to Pennsylvania
Theyre shipping ya off!
Veins to Vermont
Calves to California
Arteries to Alaska
Skin to South Carolina
Irisus to Idaho
Hair to New Hampshire
My teeth to Topeka
Wrist to Washington
Elbow to New England
Theyre Shipping ya out!
My mucus to Mississippi
My Obliques to Ohio
New Jersey will get my nose
Every little pice of me
Every little thought I think
they’re shipping us out

“Thor is a child’s game” a poem by Eric King


I think you’re fucking lame as hell

and Thor is a child’s game

I dont have time for petty race pride

plus I feel its all a sham

You’re cops, or you would be if you could

and Im not interested in your Nordic theory

Thor is just as bogus to me as the white Christian god

So i’ll take Loki and Jesus Christ

and tie them all up with Christmas lights

and we can pretend that you arent just pathetic

We can imagine a world where you arent insecure

Because hiding behind heritage to coverup your shame

seems pretty childish to me

So fuck thor, I’ll use his hammer to nail him to the cross

Now will you please get lost..

I dont have the time

for your white pride

It all means garbage to me.

“Not my prison” a poem by Eric King


“Not my prison”

This is not my home

Not my tan clothes or

scratchy wool blanket

My fucking chamber to rest

or my niche

I am not an inmate

that is a title bestowed

by monsters in blue clothes

This is not my job

and these are not my ‘co-workers’

I have no boss

Issues they have are not my problems

These are not my shackles

or my constraints

I didn’t make, buy, or ask for any

It is not my phobia of lost control

that build these cathedrals of despair

This is not my home

These are not my ‘friends’

I have no desire to humanize

or fraternize

Eric Featured in Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar!

We’re thrilled to announce that Eric has a poem in this year’s Certain Days calendar! For those who are not familiar, the Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners Calendar is a joint fundraising and educational project between outside organizers and three political prisoners: David Gilbert, Robert Seth Hayes, and Herman Bell. Each year the calendar features a variety of artwork and writings from both current and former US held political prisoners and this year our very own Eric contributed.

EK was honored to be involved in this project for a handful of reasons. The calendar not only features creative work from a lot of incredible folks who are very politically active, many while still behind bars, but it also exists as a unique and exciting body of work celebrating those who have dedicated their lives to various freedom struggles and movements including (but not limited to) the Black Panther Party, the Earth and Animal liberation movements, the American Indian Movement, and other anti-racist, anti-colonial, anti-globalization movements. Because the calendar, now in its 16th year, is made available to political prisoners through outside sponsorship and is offered at a discount for folks to send to their friends inside who are not on that list, it allows for a continued connection between those imprisoned and their comrades on the outside.

The poems Eric writes are truly an expression of who he is and his experience. By the time we all hang up our Certain Days calendars and turn the page to start January of 2017 EK will have been in prison for almost two and a half years. Over that period the poems he has written have been a great opportunity to get to know Eric and get in touch with what he can offer to the world. Never losing a step, and never far from us while being locked up, we see where he is and the connection to the movement with every completed poem of his we hold in our hands. Let’s move forward together and acknowledge what our comrades have to offer whether inside or out.

Be sure to order your very own (and one for all of your friends and comrades) today! Check out the Certain Days website for more information including the beneficiaries of the proceeds.   And of course, you don’t want to miss Eric’s featured poem, entitled “What Did We Do Today?” in this year’s edition.

In solidarity with all political prisoners and all our comrades who are locked up, and in solidarity with the Certain Days collective.

Thanks, everyone for your continued support!

-EK Support Crew