“Oh the life of a snitch” a poem by Eric King

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Oh, the life of a snitch

you get caught with a ki

won’t even do 3

that’s one hell of a plea

you’re a snitch!


Number one on your conspiracy

but you’d rather be free

smooth rolling in P.C.

“he was gonna tell on me”

sure he was, you’re a snitch!


You sure like to talk and plan

then turn witness for the man

your life’s more important

trust the community understands

hypocrite anarcho-snitch!


Swear “fuck the cops till I die”

prison looks at you and smiles

whoops next day you’re a C.I.

where’d they hide the wire guy?

Slimy recording snitch!


Free a thousand bunnies or two

but finger the entire crew

raise your hand and swear to speak the truth

what’d they expect you to do

Greasy Eco-snitch!

Them bronze keys a poem by Eric King

Them bronze keys

o’ they rattle

am i free

or starting battle

Them slammed doors

how they wake

my battered spirit

they tried to break

Them bronze keys

open my food tray

guards watching hard

inspecting how much I ate

Them slammed doors

can hear from afar

do the doors know

how deeply they scar?

Them bronze keys

why do you exist

separation creates pain

and its balled up in my fist

Call, Email and Fax CCA Leavenworth and CCA Corporate to Demand Adequate Food for Eric King! UPDATED

Our calls have kept the prison bureaucrats annoyed, flustered and irate. And Eric has received a little bit more food a couple times—even though they’ve withheld food as punishment just as much. Eric has also had bureaucrats coming by his cell to assure him that they’re doing everything in their power to fix this situation. Whatever they’re doing, it’s not enough—not enough to get him the nutrition and caloric intake he needs each day. Not enough to call us off!

We won’t stop ringing the phones off the hook until CCA Leavenworth ensures Eric consistently receives adequate food each and every meal. Please call again today to demand that he immediately receive an adequate vegan tray (equivalent nutritionally to the standard tray) and access to commissary so he can supplement his nutrition.

Eric has been denied sufficient calories since February 24th. His health can no longer wait for the bureaucrats at CCA Leavenworth to play their games. So we’re expanding the call-in to include CCA Corporate as well. Let’s let the corporate masters know that they have a problem brewing in one of their facilities that will only go away when they ensure Eric receives adequate food!

CCA Leavenworth

  • Call 913.727.3246 and press 0 to be directed to the operator. Request to speak to Chief Mike Quinn.
  • Email mike.quinn@cca.com.
  • Fax* a letter addressed to Mike Quinn to 913.727.2231

CCA Corporate

  • Call 800.624.2931 and press 0 to be directed to the operator. Request to speak to Vice President of Health Services, Dr. John Baxter.
  • Email john.baxter@cca.com.
  • Fax a letter addressed to Dr. John Baxter to 615.263.3140

When calling, emailing, and faxing, remember to be firm and clear in your demands. Also remember that Eric is still awaiting sentencing and anything can be used against him. Politely worded demands are likely to be more beneficial to Eric than anything the state could misconstrue as threatening, bullying, etc. in court.

* You can send faxes for free through http://faxzero.com/. You can type your message directly into the text box on the fax form online, upload your message as a Word doc or PDF, or both.

Sample Script for Calling

“Hi, I’m calling about Eric King, number 27090045. He’s being held in disciplinary segregation right now and is on commissary restriction. Because the vegan tray that Eric gets is so inadequate, and since he can’t supplement it with commissary, Eric is starving.

“We calculated that Eric is getting approximately 940 calories per day from the vegan tray. This is way under the recommended daily intake of 2,400-2,800 calories. Eric access must receive more food right away. This can be done by giving him access to commissary and by immediately improving the vegan tray that you provide.

“Eric is getting dizzy, having trouble concentrating and feeling hungry all the time. We need to address this situation immediately. Thank you.”

If leaving a message, feel free to leave a name and call back number, but you don’t have to.

Sample Script for Email/Fax

Mr. Quinn/Dr. Baxter,

I’m writing about Eric King, number 27090045, an inmate at CCA Leavenworth. Eric has been held in disciplinary segregation since February 24th and is on commissary restriction. He is also being denied adequate nutrition and the required daily caloric intake because the vegan tray he is being served does not contain enough food. According to the Performance Based Detention Standards, he should be receiving an equivalent amount of calories each day as inmates who receive the standard tray.

We calculated that Eric is getting approximately 940 calories per day from this inadequate vegan tray. This is way under the recommended daily intake of 2,400-2,800 calories. As a result of this starvation diet, he has been experiencing dizziness, trouble concentrating, and hunger pains.

Denying anyone adequate nutrition for such an extended period of time will inevitably lead to severe, potentially irreversible, health problems. I join with friends of Eric from around the world to demand that this not happen and that he immediately starts receiving the required amount of vegan food each day. Additionally, we are demanding that he be restored access to commissary so he can supplement his diet and regain the weight he has lost through this ordeal.

Please ensure that Eric immediately receives the required amount of food each day and restore his access to commissary.


[Your Name]


Thanks for continuing to stand in solidarity with Eric in this terrible time! Your support means the world to us and literally means his life to him.

– EK Support Crew


Update 3/19

On Thursday, march 17th Eric was called in for a meeting, and he was under the impression that at this meeting it was his disciplinary status and hole time that would be discussed. Instead all the chief wanted to talk about was the call-in campaign which has nothing to with his sentence in disciplinary segregation. So, when Eric refused to talk about the call-in campaign the meeting was ended by the chief. This tells us that as long as folks are speaking up about Eric’s dismal food portions that CCA will refuse to take the initiative to end his ridiculous punishment.

Eric has been experiencing other forms of retaliation, for example: his access to the phone is severely limited, mail has been held back and none of his grievances are being addressed. Grievances per policy,are supposed to be addressed within two weeks and he has 4 that have had no response that are over that time-line. When folks call in one of the responses that they’ve been receiving is that Eric simply needs to grieve his issue about the food. Not only has he done that without even a denial as a response but it looks like the people at CCA Leavenworth will not even respond to his grievances.

As a response to the call-in campaign Eric has been getting a whole tray of beans which has been making him extremely sick to his stomach. Then when his tray is taken the guards record how much of it he eats. This is not a solution, Eric needs a balanced meal and a CHANGE in policy for the vegan tray. Folks will not be silenced because for a week or two his miniscule portions have actually increased in an unhealthy way. This is a weak attempt to make it appear that there is no problem.

Please keep up the calls, clearly they are feeling the pressure at CCA Leavenworth and even folks at CCA corporate are scrambling as a response.

Update 3/20

Yesterday while Eric was out at Rec guards searched his room confiscated every single commissary food item he had been given in solidarity by other prisoners in segregation. Guards also took Eric’s radio from him, which is such an escape to him during time spent in segregation. They informed him that it is a new rule that disciplinary segregation prisoners can not have radios. Despite what they are telling people on the phone, this is not an organization that is concerned by Eric or any other prisoner having food. Confiscating food as a form of punishment and intimidation is just as unacceptable as refusing to provide them adequate nutrition.

“Walk away or fight” a poem by Eric King


People say to be strong

but never say or mention

where to absorb strength from

is it strength that risk of the hole

over a lack of vegetables

or reckless rebellion

maybe its principle

facing our fears & embracing our weaknesses

maybe our greatest triumph

or fuckup

stand yer ground, feel it quake

arms so brittle, legs so weak

struggle to recall the point of this

still willing to go for whatever the point is

forgotten what home smelt like

vividly recall what choking on fumes felt like

nothing is ever black and white

options are always more than

just walk away or fight

Urgent support needed-Call into CCA Leavenworth *UPDATED*

Eric has been held in disciplinary segregation since February 24th after being accused of throwing his shoes at a guard during a shakedown of the cells while the whole prison was on lockdown. At the subsequent disciplinary hearing, Eric was sentenced to 60 days in the hole (solitary confinement).

While in segregation, Eric is on commissary restriction, meaning that he cannot buy extra food from the commissary to supplement the meager vegan food tray. Trying to eat only the food they provide him is leaving him hungry all the time.

We gathered from Eric a full report of the food he is being provided and, running it through a nutritional analysis, found that it is totally inadequate. Eric is being fed approximately 940 calories per day, way under the recommended daily intake of 2,400-2,800 calories per day. Eric is literally starving.

We are asking all supporters to call the prison and demand that they find a way to provide Eric more food—either by giving him access to commissary or adapting their vegan food menu. If the following bureaucrats do not pick up, please leave them a message.

Please call:

  • The Warden’s office at 913-727-3246 ext. 101
  • Eric’s caseworker Mr. Spears at 913-727-3246 ext. 37

If that doesn’t work dial the mail number +1 913-727-3246 and press 0

Here is a sample script for your call:

“Hi, I’m calling about Eric King, number 27090045. He’s being held in disciplinary segregation right now and is on commissary restriction. Because the vegan tray that Eric gets is so inadequate, and since he can’t supplement it with commissary, Eric is starving.

We calculated that Eric is getting approximately 940 calories per day from the vegan tray. This is way under the recommended daily intake of 2,400-2,800 calories per day. Something must be done to get Eric access to more food right away. This can be done by giving him access to commissary or by immediately improving the vegan tray that you provide.

Eric is getting dizzy, having trouble concentrating and feeling hungry all the time. We need to address this situation immediately. Thank you.”

If leaving a message, feel free to leave a name and call back number, but you don’t have to.

Please pass this post far and wide. Eric is in the very beginning of his 60 day sentence in disciplinary segregation, so it’s important that we  prevent the prison from starving him right away.

Thanks everyone!

-EK Support Crew


nutrition #2

nutrition #1




Update 3/9

CCA’s phone system has been disconnecting people, so you can dial the main number at 913-727-3246 and press 0 to ask for the Warden, Mr. Spears (Eric’s unit manager) or Chief Quinn. Eric’s inmate number is 27090045.

When folks have been able to talk to prison bureaucrats, they have mostly been saying that they can’t do anything about Eric’s situation until he files a grievance. He has filed grievances and has done so regularly ever since getting arrested because the conditions at CCA have continually been abysmal. Don’t let them distract you with their lies—demand that EK get an adequate vegan tray and access to commissary so he can purchase additional food items!

One bureaucrat claimed that it’s impossible to make the vegan tray equally nutritional as the standard tray because vegans do not eat meat. This is, of course, is a lie. While the standard trays are not adequately nutritious for anyone, CCA is required to provide vegans with a food tray that is equally nutritious as the standard tray. That’s not something they can opt out of just because they can’t imagine how vegans could possibly eat without eating meat. Per the federal standards that CCA is held to as a private, for profit, prison “Federal Performance Based Detention Standards” CCA is held to provide “nutritionally equivalent approved substitutes” and they are failing miserably. Make sure they know that they are in violation of these standards.

Help us call CCA on their bullshit and demand that EK get an adequate, vegan tray and access to commissary so he can purchase additional food items!



Update 3/10

Eric was called out of his cell to meet with a manager yesterday and they tried to “listen buddy” him into calling his comrades off. He was apologized to about issues in the past and attempts were made to make him feel like somehow these folks who are starving him are actually his friends. Somehow EK is expected to believe that no one seems to have the power to do something as simple as put more food on the vegan tray but that everyone cares about him and they would if they could. Even in the bureaucracy of a for-profit prison that is a stretch.

Folks are feeling the heat at CCA Leavenworth right now and if these BASIC needs are not met soon we are going to up the ante and start calling higher and higher up the chain. It is unacceptable that folks are made to starve for their cruelty – free diets. Because of the calls there are a lot of meetings happening at CCA Leavenworth today… let’s keep it up (A)

(a quick reminder to please avoid threats of death, injury and anything that could cause Eric to experience retaliation)


Update 3/11

Today marks another day with no answers and changes by CCA Leavenworth. The only message Eric received today was a moldy orange and missing peanut-butter from his tray. He held strong and finally hours later the food was replaced. Keep the calls coming! They can feel it! <3 (A)

Eric King Accepts Non-Cooperating Plea Agreement for 10 Years

Today in court, Eric King accepted a non-cooperating plea agreement to a federal felony charge that carries a sentence of 10 years in prison. The charge is 18 U.S.C. § 844(h), use of explosive materials to commit arson of property used in or affecting interstate commerce. Eric was arrested in September 2014 and has fought his charges since then, suffering through terrible conditions in the private prison he’s been held captive in since his arrest.

Throughout the last year and a half, he has been assessing his situation and figuring out how to handle his charges without putting other anarchists at greater risk through setting a dangerous precedent. He has continually held the best interests of other anarchists in the forefront of his decisions and has been clear that he would never resolve his case in a way that entailed cooperation with the state or putting others at risk. He stood firm on that line today as he admitted to the charges and accepted that he will spend the next 8.5 years in federal prison.

His non-cooperating plea agreement specifies that he will be sentenced to 10 years in prison (the statute is weirdly worded to say that both the minimum and the maximum sentence is 10 years). He will receive credit for the time he has already served, including the time between today and his sentencing hearing. We expect his sentencing hearing to be sometime this summer, but do not have a certain date yet. We will let you all know that date as soon as we know it.

Eric was confident and in good spirits in court today, despite the terrible situation and the reality of the situation crashing in on him. He smiled at the supporters who had made it through the courthouse security to support him. People came from both Kansas City and other parts of the country to be with him through this part of his ordeal.

You can continue to support him, even from afar, by writing to him and donating to his support fund. He is currently in solitary confinement, so he will be returned to the hole after leaving the courtroom. Receiving your letters, cards, and books will help him feel connected and supported when the state is doing everything possible to make him feel isolated, alone, and abandoned. His book wishlist is at http://www.amazon.com/registry/giftlist/OEWNQ9RMQGZR.

His address is:

Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, KS 66048

And you can donate to his support fund at http://fnd.us/c/316cDf/sh/a4jVK6. We urgently need to raise funds to help him through the next decade of his life.

Love and solidarity,

EK Support Crew

Update to court information 3/3



To everyone planning on heading to court on Thursday afternoon to support EK, here are the updated specifics:


When: Thursday, March 3rd, at 1:30 pm

Where: Courtroom 8A – District Judge, Gary A. Fenner

U.S. District Court, 400 E. 9th St.

Kansas City, Missouri


Please note that valid photo identification is required to enter the courthouse and all persons and belongings are subject to search. Also, we’d like to encourage everyone who’s planning on attending the March 3rd court appearance to dress nice, and conduct yourself appropriately in the court room out of respect for EK, the person we are there to support.


And to everyone else thinking of EK right now, and wishing they could be there on Thursday to show him the support you carry with you every day, please write him a letter. He was put in solitary confinement (“the hole”) for 60 days, so he’d really appreciate that right now. You might be in another part of North America, too far to join us for court support, or maybe in Europe, South America, or some other part of the world holding EK in your heart and thoughts. Would you let him know?

Thank you to everyone from all over the world for your continued support. Letters, cards, and books mean so much.

Here is EK’s mailing address:


Eric King


CCA Leavenworth

100 Highway Terrace

Leavenworth, KS 66048





EK Support Crew


Eric’s Plea Signing Date 3/3/2016



After almost a year and a half of pre-trial detention in shitty conditions, court battles and other legal woes,   and facing threats of forty years in prison, Eric King has finally decided to accept a non-cooperating plea agreement to ten years in federal prison.

If you live nearby, please consider attending Eric’s hearing in Kansas City, MO next Thursday, March 3rd at 1:30p.m. The media and cops are likely to be well-represented, and it would be a meaningful moment to show Eric that he is not alone. Having supporters there may also create some pressure for the court to conduct itself better.  It will also be useful to Eric and his support crew to have more people in attendance taking notes and keeping an eye on the proceedings.

The hearing will be:

Thursday, March 3rd

1:30 p.m.



When: Thursday, March 3rd, at 1:30 pm

Where: Courtroom 8A – District Judge, Gary A. Fenner

U.S. District Court, Kansas City , Missouri

400 E. 9th St. 64106


Please note that valid photo identification is required to enter the courthouse and all persons and belongings are subject to search. Also, we’d like to encourage everyone who’s planning on attending the March 3rd court appearance to dress nice, and conduct yourself appropriately in the court room out of respect for EK, the person we are there to support.


Even if you cannot attend on this short notice, please consider donating some money to Eric’s new support fund . He urgently needs funds to prepare for his long prison term as well as immediate support needs. You can also send him a book or a letter. Check out his Amazon Wish List for ideas. Eric is currently in the hole and needs all the reading material he can get.

You can write to Eric at:

Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, KS 66048

Link to Eric’s fundraiser page http://fnd.us/c/316cDf/sh/a4jVK

Sometime in the next couple months, Eric will have a sentencing hearing where the judge will officially determine his sentence, after which he will be transferred to a federal prison . Please keep your eyes open for another call out asking supporters to attend.

Make no mistake, neither Eric nor his support crew take the decision to accept this plea lightly. Despite being far better than the other legal options available, ten years is way too long for our friend and comrade to be stolen from us. Eric is being steamrolled by the state and its functionaries, and there is very little we can do about it. Yet we can and will remain in solidarity with him.

From the beginning, Eric has been concerned about accepting a plea that may establish a legal precedent that other anarchists may have to deal with in the future when facing similar charges. Therefore, he has seen this legal battle as impacting not only himself, but all of us. Nonetheless, facing the possibility of a thirty or forty year sentence, Eric has determined that this is the best possible outcome that is available to him.


We are proud of Eric for how bravely he has faced these charges. He has refused to cooperate with the state, worked hard to maintain a vegan diet, and stood up for himself and his friends in prison in the face of violence and intimidation by the guards and administration. And he has done it with contagious laughter, joy and poetry. We now face the long, hard road of supporting our friend and comrade for the next ten years of his life. Please take some time to donate and write Eric a letter.

Until we are free,

EK Support Crew

Eric has been placed back in segregation.


It has come to our attention through Eric’s attorney that he has been placed in the hole again during the shake-down of the facility. He has been told that he will have a disciplinary hearing next week to determine if he will remain in segregation. We ask for continued solidarity in blasting Eric with cards and letters.

Here is his address:
Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, KS 66048
If you would like to send Eric something from his Amazon wish list: http://www.amazon.com/registry/giftlist/OEWNQ9RMQGZ

<3 EK Support Crew

“They build walls to hold” a poem by Eric King


They build walls to hold

to separate and destroy

They build prisons to enslave

to rip hearts to shreds

They build planes to attack

and build plants to make bombs

They build borders to differentiate

between right & wrong, good & bad

We build songs to give a helping hand

and ease a burned heart

We build communities to shelter

from hatred and abuse

We build support to give strength

to withstand the burden of the state

They build up police and we fight them all

The build up division and cruelty

We build friendship and solidarity

most of all

We build love