“Abusive Smiles” a poem by Eric King

Abusive smiles 
Years of waiting to be seen, bucking, grievances, lawsuits 
All in the hope that a doctor 
Will hear you, take you serious 
Finally you get cleared to go! 
W/50,000 volts strapped to your arm 
You step into a doctor’s office 
His smile instantly tells you, 
This will not be your day 
your pain is ignore, down played 
previous ultrasounds disputed 
 of ever having been done 
 the lump isn’t concerning 
three years of discomfort and pain 
 reduced to nothing 
 have I been grinding my teeth? 
 Have I been hydrated? 
 Have I tried yoga? 
 No, he can’t do a biopsy, no, 
 he can’t do an MRI or ultrasound 
 bureaucratic brutality 
 all with a smile 
 Oh, here’s the first ultrasound results  
Found it i guess 
I guess we’ll recommend another one,  
it’s up to the prison to set it up though 
3 years of pain and waiting, all to be ignored 
Over a 7 minute meeting 
Then return to the arms of my enemy 
7 minutes of smiling and my pain in fear 
Would have rather took the volts 

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