Yesterday Eric was transferred to USP Lee in Virginia. He will still not be allowed photos, books, magazines (we are looking into newspapers) or cards and will be housed in the segregated housing unit SHU. After a year he still unfortunately still has not been given glasses nor are his family able to send any.
August 2nd It will be Erics birthday. After a super long exhausting year we would love for folks to be able to send some love. Since he is not allowed to be sent books in segregation and because the BOP no longer allows cards we are asking folks to send him interesting articles, cartoons, memes, riddles, poems, short stories, articles about manchester united, the IRA anything. It must though be on standard weight printer paperwith black ink. Letters as well, black ink. No borders or any color on paper. Must be white envelopes.
We are unsure how many envelopes he will be allowed (previously he was only allowed 3 in segregation) so he may not be able to respond yet to folks. but it will mean so much to him to receive after 40 days in transit and almost a year of segregation.
We received a thought he would like to share about Willem Van Spronsen
This stuff about Willem Van Spronsen breaks my heart & makes me super proud at the same time. radical backlash, which is typical & expected. Some radicals HATE solo acts b-cuz the acts make the hater feel insecure & inadequate about their lack of action. It highlights their impotence. People who support action & those who do it will take pride in the ♥ that W.V.S. showed. It was a beautiful solo deed. The point isn’t to overthrow the system w/ one action, it’s to follow your heart & conscious, to listen to your internal compass & follow its lead. Maybe if you are lucky you will inspire someone, fuel someone, who then may fuel others. […] 100% solidarity, love, & warmth to W.V.S. & a big fuck you to anyone dragging or disrespecting him or his actions.”
His address is
Eric King 27090045
P.O. BOX 305
Eric is again in the transfer center in atlanta as of 8/13 we will post an address when he is placed
Again only black ink, white standard weight or lined paper. no colored ink, no cards, white envelope.