Update and message from Eric

On June 21st Eric was picked up from USP McCreary and brought to the federal transfer center in Oklahoma. We anxiously await to see if the BOP is ready to drop this bullshit once and for all and send him somewhere he can do his time in peace. Things feel super complicated because on June 18th Eric was in an altercation with his cell mate in segregation. After the prisons previous attempt to stick a nazi in with him this isnt a surprise. We are hopeful that he will be transferred without a disciplinary shot. The chance that all of this may start over again is terrifying.

While Eric is at the Federal transfer center he asks that folks not write him. Many (if any) will not be given to him. If folks could type up a letter, and get some love ready to send his way as soon as he lands that would be amazing

Some words from Eric that were written the day before his latest attack and transfer


A couple of days ago, June 14th, the prison was kind enough to let me receive some of the mail piling in in the mailroom since May 20th. I have to say I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of support, kindness and friendship. whether it was new friends or old, it was just fucking awesome to be seen and cared for. Made my month <3

Prison can REALLY make you feel isolated and horrible emotions can arise from that. Nothing feels better than knowing that veil is lifted & people see you, care for you & have your back. I’m not alone. I’m seen. I exist 🙂

These past 10 months have been HARD & i havent always handled it in the best way. There were times I was aggravated for days (weeks) on end, sitting in that KS dungeon by myself & i know some of my letters towards friends and new friends at times didn’t showcase the best of me. If I was snarky, rude or short that is on me and I’m sorry. Seg isn’t an excuse to be a jerk.

As you may be aware I only get 2 stamps a week so i most likely wont be able to respond the way i would like to until I get settled somewhere. But i would like to say thank you for the song lyrics the boxing news, the Manchester stuff, science articles, the nature descriptions, the empathy… all of it. Imma keep these letters & try to respond but it may take a minute (since Eric was transferred we dont know if they prison will allow him to take them with him, if he doesnt respond maybe folks can drop a line to the next prison he goes to).

The attack happened because of a refusal to deny what we stand for & who we stand against. This is a revolutionary struggle & we will take lumps along the way. But these bruises heal a lot quicker knowing folks aren’t letting you suffer alone.

until all are free & all of the love

*shout out to the AMAZING fire ant collective*

p.s. if you feel like sharing some energy, pls youtube “Defiance Ohio, You are Loved”

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