Reflections on Erics trip to FCI Florence’s SHU

Eric wanted to share the cartoon and write-up that landed him a transfer to FCI Florence from Englewood and a charge for assaulting an officer in January of 2017. This cartoon had a name on it that may have rhymed with a certain officer who threatened his children during a visit. This cartoon resulted in his wife and family not being able to speak to him on the phone or visit him for 105 days. The charge for the cartoon was brought up on Eric after complaints were filed against the prison after the guard threatened their children during a visit. Convenient…

EK defense Crew (A) (///)


The International Day of Solidarity with EK is coming up on the 28th! Shoot him a letter, card or book. Donate to his commissary ( or just share his story with your friends. Let us know what you end up doing! Email erickingsupportcrew at 🙂

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