As we continue to address the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and state representatives, we have received nonsensical and conflicting information from the BOP regarding Eric’s pending transfer to USP Lee. For now, Eric is waiting at USP Atlanta, and it seems we have come full circle: originally in 2018, Eric was told at USP Atlanta and USP Lee his life would be in danger by white supremacist gangs if he ever did a long stint at USP Lee, and Eric was originally told the dangers of USP Lee shortly after he was attacked by white supremacists at USP McCreary in 2018. The BOP is knowingly putting Eric at risk with these designated transfers 4 years later.

Here’s a list of mixed messages from BOP’s Mid-Atlantic Regional office, National office, and the DSCC when addressing them about Eric’s safety and prison designation:

  • BOP directly told Eric he IS designated for USP Lee; Englewood’s Associate Warden and multiple Lieutenants at Englewood (including Lt. Quezada) and USP Atlanta have said so
  • But BOP told supporters they can’t confirm his designation until he reaches USP Lee
  • But BOP has also angrily told supporters this week they “know” Eric isn’t designated for USP Lee and “it’s not necessary for people to keep calling” and the number of calls from “concerned individuals” has been “overwhelming”
  • BOP said Eric would be designated for USP Lee because it’s his “parent prison” (meaning a prison he was originally residing in before being under Marshall custody) despite Eric never doing time at USP Lee until AFTER he was in Marshall custody for being attacked in a broom closet at FCI Florence, and “the only way” to address his designation is with his unit team assigned to him at “his designated facility” USP Lee
  • But BOP also said Eric should request a case manager to contact the DSCC so they “can have a paper trail” despite not reaching USP Lee yet
  • But BOP ALSO said Grady County should send information to various BOP offices on Eric’s behalf before they COVID swabbed him to be transferred to USP Atlanta
  • But BOP ALSO had medical offices express concern and say we should address the transfer before Eric ever reaches USP Lee
  • But BOP ALSO said Senators and Congresspeople should address their offices before Eric reaches a designated prison
  • BOP said Eric’s court records of his March 2022 acquittal/not guilty for acts of self defense when attacked by guards in a FCI Florence broom closet in 2018 wouldn’t reach the BOP for another 45-60 days to address the management variable placed on him FROM THE ASSAULT HE WAS JUST ACQUITTED OF that’s upping his security from low/medium to max security prison
  • BOP confirmed Eric would be placed in segregation once reaching his designated prison due to COVID and his “security concerns”
  • BOP numerous times has transferred calls to the wrong department, such as medical or financial, or simply hang up on us when attempting to make inquiries on Eric’s behalf. Sometimes we’ve only been able to get past automated messages when other offices, prisons, or operators transfer us

All of this information proves that the BOP is not comfortable being confronted with orchestrating a situation that does nothing but put Eric in harm’s way, when there are plenty of options to designate Eric to another prison to finish his time, and Eric having no criminal history or disciplinary sanctions to ever justify sending him to a max security prison to begin with.

Congressman Joe Neguse and Congresswoman Cori Bush’s office have been thoroughly informed of Eric’s history and current danger to his life. Both offices have expressed interest in submitting inquiries to the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) on Eric’s behalf!

Amnesty International has also contacted the BOP on Eric King’s behalf: “Transferring Eric King to a maximum-security facility across the country, far from his family and loved ones when he has such a short amount of time remaining on his sentence seems to be more retaliatory and punitive rather than necessary due to specific security concerns. Under Rule 59 of the UN Standard Minimum Rules on the Treatment of Prisoners, “Prisoners shall be allocated, to the extent possible, to prisons close to their homes or their places of social rehabilitation.” The BOP must revisit the issues within Eric King’s security profile which allow his eligibility to be at a maximum-security facility and the decision for him to be placed so far from where his family resides and where he intends to settle upon release.” Please SHARE the letter in it’s entirety here: https://supportericking.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/Amnesty-International-USA-TG-re-transfer-of-Eric-King-inmate-number-27090-045-1.pdf


Here’s an email template that can be added to to send to BOP, Senators, and Congresspeople, as well as the letter from Amnesty International on Eric’s behalf addressing BOP Director Michael Carvajal, and all the emails and phone numbers to call to demand Eric’s right to life. When contacting Congresspeople, they want to hear from constituents in their own districts, which is dictated by whatever your legal address is, to fill out Privacy Forms that address federal agencies (in this case the BOP/DOJ). Senator representatives aren’t based on districts, but whoever resides in their state. When calling BOP offices and prisons, try getting to an operator to avoid automated messages. DSCC has multiple options you may need to scan before reaching someone. You can tell the BOP that Congress and Amnesty International are also inquiring on Eric’s behalf.


DSCC Office 

Designation & Sentence Computation Center 

U.S. Armed Forces Reserve Complex 

346 Marine Forces Dr. 

Grand Prairie, TX 75051 

Email: GRA-DSC/[email protected] 

Phone: 972-352-4400 

Fax: 972-352-4395 

Mid-Atlantic BOP Regional Office 

302 Sentinel Dr.  

Annapolis Junction, MD  20701 

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: 301-317-3100 

Fax: 301-317-3119 

BOP National Office 

320 First Street, NW 

Washington, DC  20534 

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: 202-307-3198 

BOP Director Michael Carvajal


Federal Bureau of Prisons

320 First St. NW

Washington, DC 20534

Email: [email protected]


Main public contact: [email protected]

Warden Breckon: [email protected]

Assistant Warden Streeval: [email protected]

Phone: 276-546-0150

Fax: 276-546-9115

Mailing address:




USP Atlanta (where Eric is currently being held pending transfer)

Main public contact: [email protected]

Phone: 404-635-5100

Fax: 404-331-2403

Mailing address:


ATLANTA, GA  30315

BOP Mid-Atlantic Regional Director James Petrucci

[email protected]

Judiciary subcomittee that oversees the Bureau of Prisons and sentencing:


Virginia Senators to Contact (USP Lee Jurisdiction)

Tim Kaine 

Email: https://www.kaine.senate.gov/contact/share-your-opinion 

Twitter: @TimKaine 

231 Russell Senate Office Building 

Washington, DC 20510 

PHONE: (202) 224-4024 

Mark. R Warner 

Email: https://www.warner.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?p=ContactPage 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarkRWarner 

Twitter: @MarkWarner 

IG: https://www.instagram.com/senatorwarner/ 

703 Hart Senate Office Building 

Washington, DC 20510 

Phone: 202-224-2023 

VA Congress

Morgan Griffith


Twitter: @RepMGriffithAbingdon

Phone: (276) 525-1405


(202) 225-3861

Missouri Senators (Eric’s original sentencing district)

Josh Hawley


Office: 202-224-6154

Twitter: @HawleyMO

Roy Blunt


Phone: (202) 224-5721

Twitter: @RoyBlunt

Missouri Congress and Members of House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism and Homeland Security; Oversight of the Federal Bureau of Prisons

Cori Bush

Phone: (314) 955-9980

Phone: (202) 225-2406

Twitter: @coribush

Links to find your State’s Representatives:

House of Representatives: https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative

Congress/Senate: https://www.congress.gov/members/find-your-member


To whom it may concern,  

I am writing about my friend who is a prisoner in the Federal Bureau of Prisons. His name is Eric King, inmate number 27090-045. He was recently found not guilty on all counts at a trial in the U.S. District of Colorado. Eric was moved from FCI Englewood and was transferred from a private facility, Grady County Jail in Oklahoma, to USP Atlanta to wait for final transfer. He has been told he is en route to USP Lee, a maximum security prison in Virginia. 

I am writing because I believe Eric should not be sent to USP Lee, and would be in danger if he were sent there. He is scheduled to be released from prison in December 2023, and wants to avoid anything that would infringe on this release date. 

There is an active threat against his life. A few years ago, before being sent to Colorado, Eric was held in the Segregation Unit at USP Lee for approximately two weeks. Before that, at USP Atlanta, a white supremacist gang member told him he would be killed at USP Lee if he was released into general population. This was documented at USP Lee. Eric was originally transferred to USP Lee under the US Marshalls after he was attacked by white supremacist gangs at USP McCreary.

It is imperative that Eric not be put in harm’s way. I am asking that you not send him into a situation that is so dangerous. The Bureau of Prisons knows this and there is established case law regarding the BOP sending someone into dangerous and life threatening scenarios. See Fitzharris v. Wolf, 702 F.2d 836, 839 (9th Cir. 1983); Gullatte v. Potts, 654 F.2d 1007, 1012-13 (5th Cir. 1981); Roba v. U.S., 604 F.2d 215, 218-19 (2d Cir. 1979). 

Additionally, Eric is in this situation because of a bogus maximum management variable on his security profile. This has him erroneously being sent to a facility beyond his actual security level. He has no pending charges and no incident reports. He has no criminal history or disciplinary sanctions qualifying him for placement at a maximum security prison. He intends to be released to Colorado to live with his wife and his two children in just over a year. I ask that this management variable be removed so that he can be sent to a medium- or low-custody prison close to home and begin preparing for release. 

I am afraid for my friend Eric’s life, and I am asking that you intervene with the Bureau of Prisons and ask them not to send Eric King into harm’s way by sending him to USP Lee. 

Please help my friend.



Donate to Eric’s commissary and direct needs here

A MESSAGE FROM ERIC KING: https://ahuehuete.substack.com/p/amnesty?s=r

ERIC’S RECENT INTERVIEW WITH UNICORN RIOT: https://unicornriot.ninja/2022/eric-king-and-supporters-organize-call-in-campaign-over-transfer-to-usp-lee/

ERIC’S RECENT INTERVIEW WITH FINAL STRAW: https://thefinalstrawradio.noblogs.org/post/2022/04/03/eric-king-speaks-2-radical-ukrainian-voices/

“One of these days I’m gonna break these chains” a poem by Eric King


I wake up alone

in a box that ain’t my home

without the love I call my own

people who live  in glass houses

I envy them all

people who live in cages

must throw stones

tear the skin sticking to my bones

got a spoon to dig down straight

only digging the plot to my own grave

if my body can’t , then my mind will escape

my enemy wears authority instead of a face

I wake up alone

but we cannot break

freedom is on the phone

she holds me in one piece

I wake up with a hole

that she fills complete

battered & bruised but on my feet

one day I’ll awake

within a home that’s all our own

we will bury the past

start our own damn show

I wake up with a heart that is filled with gold

love so powerful it could explode.

“Oh the life of a snitch” a poem by Eric King

070815 michaelhoganDMNratgraphic

Oh, the life of a snitch

you get caught with a ki

won’t even do 3

that’s one hell of a plea

you’re a snitch!


Number one on your conspiracy

but you’d rather be free

smooth rolling in P.C.

“he was gonna tell on me”

sure he was, you’re a snitch!


You sure like to talk and plan

then turn witness for the man

your life’s more important

trust the community understands

hypocrite anarcho-snitch!


Swear “fuck the cops till I die”

prison looks at you and smiles

whoops next day you’re a C.I.

where’d they hide the wire guy?

Slimy recording snitch!


Free a thousand bunnies or two

but finger the entire crew

raise your hand and swear to speak the truth

what’d they expect you to do

Greasy Eco-snitch!

Them bronze keys a poem by Eric King

Them bronze keys

o’ they rattle

am i free

or starting battle

Them slammed doors

how they wake

my battered spirit

they tried to break

Them bronze keys

open my food tray

guards watching hard

inspecting how much I ate

Them slammed doors

can hear from afar

do the doors know

how deeply they scar?

Them bronze keys

why do you exist

separation creates pain

and its balled up in my fist

Urgent support needed-Call into CCA Leavenworth *UPDATED*

Eric has been held in disciplinary segregation since February 24th after being accused of throwing his shoes at a guard during a shakedown of the cells while the whole prison was on lockdown. At the subsequent disciplinary hearing, Eric was sentenced to 60 days in the hole (solitary confinement).

While in segregation, Eric is on commissary restriction, meaning that he cannot buy extra food from the commissary to supplement the meager vegan food tray. Trying to eat only the food they provide him is leaving him hungry all the time.

We gathered from Eric a full report of the food he is being provided and, running it through a nutritional analysis, found that it is totally inadequate. Eric is being fed approximately 940 calories per day, way under the recommended daily intake of 2,400-2,800 calories per day. Eric is literally starving.

We are asking all supporters to call the prison and demand that they find a way to provide Eric more food—either by giving him access to commissary or adapting their vegan food menu. If the following bureaucrats do not pick up, please leave them a message.

Please call:

  • The Warden’s office at 913-727-3246 ext. 101
  • Eric’s caseworker Mr. Spears at 913-727-3246 ext. 37

If that doesn’t work dial the mail number +1 913-727-3246 and press 0

Here is a sample script for your call:

“Hi, I’m calling about Eric King, number 27090045. He’s being held in disciplinary segregation right now and is on commissary restriction. Because the vegan tray that Eric gets is so inadequate, and since he can’t supplement it with commissary, Eric is starving.

We calculated that Eric is getting approximately 940 calories per day from the vegan tray. This is way under the recommended daily intake of 2,400-2,800 calories per day. Something must be done to get Eric access to more food right away. This can be done by giving him access to commissary or by immediately improving the vegan tray that you provide.

Eric is getting dizzy, having trouble concentrating and feeling hungry all the time. We need to address this situation immediately. Thank you.”

If leaving a message, feel free to leave a name and call back number, but you don’t have to.

Please pass this post far and wide. Eric is in the very beginning of his 60 day sentence in disciplinary segregation, so it’s important that we  prevent the prison from starving him right away.

Thanks everyone!

-EK Support Crew


nutrition #2

nutrition #1




Update 3/9

CCA’s phone system has been disconnecting people, so you can dial the main number at 913-727-3246 and press 0 to ask for the Warden, Mr. Spears (Eric’s unit manager) or Chief Quinn. Eric’s inmate number is 27090045.

When folks have been able to talk to prison bureaucrats, they have mostly been saying that they can’t do anything about Eric’s situation until he files a grievance. He has filed grievances and has done so regularly ever since getting arrested because the conditions at CCA have continually been abysmal. Don’t let them distract you with their lies—demand that EK get an adequate vegan tray and access to commissary so he can purchase additional food items!

One bureaucrat claimed that it’s impossible to make the vegan tray equally nutritional as the standard tray because vegans do not eat meat. This is, of course, is a lie. While the standard trays are not adequately nutritious for anyone, CCA is required to provide vegans with a food tray that is equally nutritious as the standard tray. That’s not something they can opt out of just because they can’t imagine how vegans could possibly eat without eating meat. Per the federal standards that CCA is held to as a private, for profit, prison “Federal Performance Based Detention Standards” CCA is held to provide “nutritionally equivalent approved substitutes” and they are failing miserably. Make sure they know that they are in violation of these standards.

Help us call CCA on their bullshit and demand that EK get an adequate, vegan tray and access to commissary so he can purchase additional food items!



Update 3/10

Eric was called out of his cell to meet with a manager yesterday and they tried to “listen buddy” him into calling his comrades off. He was apologized to about issues in the past and attempts were made to make him feel like somehow these folks who are starving him are actually his friends. Somehow EK is expected to believe that no one seems to have the power to do something as simple as put more food on the vegan tray but that everyone cares about him and they would if they could. Even in the bureaucracy of a for-profit prison that is a stretch.

Folks are feeling the heat at CCA Leavenworth right now and if these BASIC needs are not met soon we are going to up the ante and start calling higher and higher up the chain. It is unacceptable that folks are made to starve for their cruelty – free diets. Because of the calls there are a lot of meetings happening at CCA Leavenworth today… let’s keep it up (A)

(a quick reminder to please avoid threats of death, injury and anything that could cause Eric to experience retaliation)


Update 3/11

Today marks another day with no answers and changes by CCA Leavenworth. The only message Eric received today was a moldy orange and missing peanut-butter from his tray. He held strong and finally hours later the food was replaced. Keep the calls coming! They can feel it! <3 (A)

Eric’s Plea Signing Date 3/3/2016



After almost a year and a half of pre-trial detention in shitty conditions, court battles and other legal woes,   and facing threats of forty years in prison, Eric King has finally decided to accept a non-cooperating plea agreement to ten years in federal prison.

If you live nearby, please consider attending Eric’s hearing in Kansas City, MO next Thursday, March 3rd at 1:30p.m. The media and cops are likely to be well-represented, and it would be a meaningful moment to show Eric that he is not alone. Having supporters there may also create some pressure for the court to conduct itself better.  It will also be useful to Eric and his support crew to have more people in attendance taking notes and keeping an eye on the proceedings.

The hearing will be:

Thursday, March 3rd

1:30 p.m.



When: Thursday, March 3rd, at 1:30 pm

Where: Courtroom 8A – District Judge, Gary A. Fenner

U.S. District Court, Kansas City , Missouri

400 E. 9th St. 64106


Please note that valid photo identification is required to enter the courthouse and all persons and belongings are subject to search. Also, we’d like to encourage everyone who’s planning on attending the March 3rd court appearance to dress nice, and conduct yourself appropriately in the court room out of respect for EK, the person we are there to support.


Even if you cannot attend on this short notice, please consider donating some money to Eric’s new support fund . He urgently needs funds to prepare for his long prison term as well as immediate support needs. You can also send him a book or a letter. Check out his Amazon Wish List for ideas. Eric is currently in the hole and needs all the reading material he can get.

You can write to Eric at:

Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, KS 66048

Link to Eric’s fundraiser page http://fnd.us/c/316cDf/sh/a4jVK

Sometime in the next couple months, Eric will have a sentencing hearing where the judge will officially determine his sentence, after which he will be transferred to a federal prison . Please keep your eyes open for another call out asking supporters to attend.

Make no mistake, neither Eric nor his support crew take the decision to accept this plea lightly. Despite being far better than the other legal options available, ten years is way too long for our friend and comrade to be stolen from us. Eric is being steamrolled by the state and its functionaries, and there is very little we can do about it. Yet we can and will remain in solidarity with him.

From the beginning, Eric has been concerned about accepting a plea that may establish a legal precedent that other anarchists may have to deal with in the future when facing similar charges. Therefore, he has seen this legal battle as impacting not only himself, but all of us. Nonetheless, facing the possibility of a thirty or forty year sentence, Eric has determined that this is the best possible outcome that is available to him.


We are proud of Eric for how bravely he has faced these charges. He has refused to cooperate with the state, worked hard to maintain a vegan diet, and stood up for himself and his friends in prison in the face of violence and intimidation by the guards and administration. And he has done it with contagious laughter, joy and poetry. We now face the long, hard road of supporting our friend and comrade for the next ten years of his life. Please take some time to donate and write Eric a letter.

Until we are free,

EK Support Crew

Eric has been placed back in segregation.


It has come to our attention through Eric’s attorney that he has been placed in the hole again during the shake-down of the facility. He has been told that he will have a disciplinary hearing next week to determine if he will remain in segregation. We ask for continued solidarity in blasting Eric with cards and letters.

Here is his address:
Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, KS 66048
If you would like to send Eric something from his Amazon wish list: http://www.amazon.com/registry/giftlist/OEWNQ9RMQGZ

<3 EK Support Crew

“They build walls to hold” a poem by Eric King


They build walls to hold

to separate and destroy

They build prisons to enslave

to rip hearts to shreds

They build planes to attack

and build plants to make bombs

They build borders to differentiate

between right & wrong, good & bad

We build songs to give a helping hand

and ease a burned heart

We build communities to shelter

from hatred and abuse

We build support to give strength

to withstand the burden of the state

They build up police and we fight them all

The build up division and cruelty

We build friendship and solidarity

most of all

We build love

Call for a blast of solidarity!


Eric has been trying to get a new lawyer assigned to his case. However, 
today in court the judge denied him the opportunity to seek new legal 
counsel. On top of this unfortunate news from a difficult day in court, 
it has come to our attention that CCA Leavenworth is now under 
lock-down. These lock-downs where prison cells are searched one by one 
typically last for a week, during which prisoners are not permitted to 
speak to their loved ones. It's times like these when small acts of 
solidarity can make the biggest difference. Please take a few minutes to 
send Eric a postcard or letter to remind him that folks have his back.
Here is his address:
Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, KS 66048
If you would like to send Eric something from his Amazon wish list: http://www.amazon.com/registry/giftlist/OEWNQ9RMQGZ

<3 EK Support Crew



Am I angry or hungry a poem by Eric King


Am I angry or hungry

starving and shaking

throw a punch

or take a bite

cook a meal

or start a fight?

In what world does

canned spoiled fruit and beans

count as a meal?

How hard does bread need to be

before it is a rock?

Do I fight for something more

or swallow my dignity and food?

CCA you corrupt fucks

where’s the Oregon militia

when you need it?

I ate much better on the streets

when I was homeless & free

can I even complain

do I have ground to stand on

or thin air?