I study our photographs
Remember how soft you felt
Those moments to find my life
Kept me sturdy in Rocky waves
How the fuck did you get so good
At the card games you’d learned
Just yesterday…
It doesn’t make any damn sense
I swear
I taught you cribbage on Saturday
You skunked me all day Sunday
We’ve existed through distance
And connect through fingertips
Card tables and plexiglass
Living in 15 minute intervals
Praying nothing fucked the weekend off
Praying they just leave us alone
Dying to feel my arms around you
Pinching you when the camera flicks
Will you have a new hairdo?
Will they trip on you?
Leave you locked in again?
Like you belonged here also?
When was the last time we spoke?
Without an extra pair of ears?
I know when doors fade
Our new reality gets to grow
My arms will need to be pried off you