On the 27th Eric and 95 other prisoners tested positive at FCI Englewood. Per a letter from the 22nd it seems that someone in Erics unit had been sick for 6 days and was not tested or isolated from even his cellmate. Despite the fact Englewood has had a rapid screen machine since may per FOIA documents. (https://www.bop.gov/foia/docs//Current_AbbottIDNow_Machine_Locations_5192020.pdf) They also failed to follow protocol and because of that in a single day they had 95 positive tests.
This is incredibly frustrating because at the End of October Englewood had no active COVID cases when the BOP thought it was a good idea to sent employees from FCI Florence where there were active staff cases to FCI Englewood to seemingly intimidate him (https://supportericking.org/2020/11/02/11-2-2020-update-eric/). Within 10 days the first staff positive showed up and within a month there are at least 126 active prisoner cases and 30 active staff cases. (

Florence isn’t doing too much better. Yet the two complexes are STILL sharing staff.

We received this message to folks prior to him getting sick he wanted to share
Hello hello hello!
I want to check in with everyone who cares ( and all the government creeps stalking the page, we see you we still hate you FTTP) this was supposed to be the month my Mail “privileges” were returned. Apparently a differing opinion about what six months means might push it back to January. I’m working with the admin here to have that corrected. I really miss letters. I missed my friends, caring about your lives, adventures, pets all of it hopefully soon we can get to chatting again and building/ maintaining strong friendships. I’ve been getting some magazines recently, either in bundle packages or subscriptions THANK YOU so f’n much. magazines and books are so crucial, when you’re stuck in the damn SHU forever, they can be a lifeline to the world. Thank you billions to everyone who have looked out for me in any way.
We are still pending trial, still in the SHU, still going through it and things have not been pleasant really. I commend everyone who took to the streets, who continue to fight in 1000 different ways. Trump’s gone, Barr’s gone, nothing is changing though. Police and prisons still exist, our enemies still exist, hunger still exists, patriarchy, imperialism, capitalism all still exist.
I love you all, thank you for everything!
Until All Prisons Are Rubble, Antifa ALWAYS (A)
-EK (A)
Eric’s book list has been closed because the prison has been super sketchy about sometimes just choosing to and all the books he receives back. he feels really bad about the funds that are wasted when this happens. But he has been regularly receiving his books so we’re going to give this another go and open his book list again!
We just received news that Erics mail ban has expired however he was told there was a 99.9% chance that they will give him another 6 month correspondence restriction. 6 more months cut off from the world during a global pandemic. Mail is the only actual right that a prisoner has in prison. And the Bill Barr BOP has found a way to take it away from him for a year. As well as TWO years of illegal phone restrictions at this point.
If you can or feel so inclined to do so and want to send some love as fast as you possibly can please today drop something in the mail
Eric King 27090045
FCI Englewood
9595 W Quincy ave
Littleton Co 80501
Please keep it light, nothing about his case, COVID, or mail ban.
He misses everyone SO MUCH and just wants to hear from his friends. He was pretty sick but feels he may be on the mend
19 Replies to “UPDATE- Eric in Quarantine with COVID and Mail Ban TEMPORARILY Lifted- Message from Eric”