Them bronze keys a poem by Eric King

Them bronze keys

o’ they rattle

am i free

or starting battle

Them slammed doors

how they wake

my battered spirit

they tried to break

Them bronze keys

open my food tray

guards watching hard

inspecting how much I ate

Them slammed doors

can hear from afar

do the doors know

how deeply they scar?

Them bronze keys

why do you exist

separation creates pain

and its balled up in my fist

“Walk away or fight” a poem by Eric King


People say to be strong

but never say or mention

where to absorb strength from

is it strength that risk of the hole

over a lack of vegetables

or reckless rebellion

maybe its principle

facing our fears & embracing our weaknesses

maybe our greatest triumph

or fuckup

stand yer ground, feel it quake

arms so brittle, legs so weak

struggle to recall the point of this

still willing to go for whatever the point is

forgotten what home smelt like

vividly recall what choking on fumes felt like

nothing is ever black and white

options are always more than

just walk away or fight

Urgent support needed-Call into CCA Leavenworth *UPDATED*

Eric has been held in disciplinary segregation since February 24th after being accused of throwing his shoes at a guard during a shakedown of the cells while the whole prison was on lockdown. At the subsequent disciplinary hearing, Eric was sentenced to 60 days in the hole (solitary confinement).

While in segregation, Eric is on commissary restriction, meaning that he cannot buy extra food from the commissary to supplement the meager vegan food tray. Trying to eat only the food they provide him is leaving him hungry all the time.

We gathered from Eric a full report of the food he is being provided and, running it through a nutritional analysis, found that it is totally inadequate. Eric is being fed approximately 940 calories per day, way under the recommended daily intake of 2,400-2,800 calories per day. Eric is literally starving.

We are asking all supporters to call the prison and demand that they find a way to provide Eric more food—either by giving him access to commissary or adapting their vegan food menu. If the following bureaucrats do not pick up, please leave them a message.

Please call:

  • The Warden’s office at 913-727-3246 ext. 101
  • Eric’s caseworker Mr. Spears at 913-727-3246 ext. 37

If that doesn’t work dial the mail number +1 913-727-3246 and press 0

Here is a sample script for your call:

“Hi, I’m calling about Eric King, number 27090045. He’s being held in disciplinary segregation right now and is on commissary restriction. Because the vegan tray that Eric gets is so inadequate, and since he can’t supplement it with commissary, Eric is starving.

We calculated that Eric is getting approximately 940 calories per day from the vegan tray. This is way under the recommended daily intake of 2,400-2,800 calories per day. Something must be done to get Eric access to more food right away. This can be done by giving him access to commissary or by immediately improving the vegan tray that you provide.

Eric is getting dizzy, having trouble concentrating and feeling hungry all the time. We need to address this situation immediately. Thank you.”

If leaving a message, feel free to leave a name and call back number, but you don’t have to.

Please pass this post far and wide. Eric is in the very beginning of his 60 day sentence in disciplinary segregation, so it’s important that we  prevent the prison from starving him right away.

Thanks everyone!

-EK Support Crew


nutrition #2

nutrition #1




Update 3/9

CCA’s phone system has been disconnecting people, so you can dial the main number at 913-727-3246 and press 0 to ask for the Warden, Mr. Spears (Eric’s unit manager) or Chief Quinn. Eric’s inmate number is 27090045.

When folks have been able to talk to prison bureaucrats, they have mostly been saying that they can’t do anything about Eric’s situation until he files a grievance. He has filed grievances and has done so regularly ever since getting arrested because the conditions at CCA have continually been abysmal. Don’t let them distract you with their lies—demand that EK get an adequate vegan tray and access to commissary so he can purchase additional food items!

One bureaucrat claimed that it’s impossible to make the vegan tray equally nutritional as the standard tray because vegans do not eat meat. This is, of course, is a lie. While the standard trays are not adequately nutritious for anyone, CCA is required to provide vegans with a food tray that is equally nutritious as the standard tray. That’s not something they can opt out of just because they can’t imagine how vegans could possibly eat without eating meat. Per the federal standards that CCA is held to as a private, for profit, prison “Federal Performance Based Detention Standards” CCA is held to provide “nutritionally equivalent approved substitutes” and they are failing miserably. Make sure they know that they are in violation of these standards.

Help us call CCA on their bullshit and demand that EK get an adequate, vegan tray and access to commissary so he can purchase additional food items!



Update 3/10

Eric was called out of his cell to meet with a manager yesterday and they tried to “listen buddy” him into calling his comrades off. He was apologized to about issues in the past and attempts were made to make him feel like somehow these folks who are starving him are actually his friends. Somehow EK is expected to believe that no one seems to have the power to do something as simple as put more food on the vegan tray but that everyone cares about him and they would if they could. Even in the bureaucracy of a for-profit prison that is a stretch.

Folks are feeling the heat at CCA Leavenworth right now and if these BASIC needs are not met soon we are going to up the ante and start calling higher and higher up the chain. It is unacceptable that folks are made to starve for their cruelty – free diets. Because of the calls there are a lot of meetings happening at CCA Leavenworth today… let’s keep it up (A)

(a quick reminder to please avoid threats of death, injury and anything that could cause Eric to experience retaliation)


Update 3/11

Today marks another day with no answers and changes by CCA Leavenworth. The only message Eric received today was a moldy orange and missing peanut-butter from his tray. He held strong and finally hours later the food was replaced. Keep the calls coming! They can feel it! <3 (A)

Am I angry or hungry a poem by Eric King


Am I angry or hungry

starving and shaking

throw a punch

or take a bite

cook a meal

or start a fight?

In what world does

canned spoiled fruit and beans

count as a meal?

How hard does bread need to be

before it is a rock?

Do I fight for something more

or swallow my dignity and food?

CCA you corrupt fucks

where’s the Oregon militia

when you need it?

I ate much better on the streets

when I was homeless & free

can I even complain

do I have ground to stand on

or thin air?

Malawi Birds a poem by Eric King

Written in solidarity with the prisoners of Malawi who’s voices carry their stories beyond the walls that imprison them.


I heard the Malawi birds

they were bundled and stacked

buried so deep

but their voices reach so high

does their location

negate the warmth of their tears

we can learn so much from suffering

how long must our education persist

who will finally be the one

to rip the door off the cage

wings were meant to fly

not to die…

“I refuse to make a habit” a poem by Eric King


I refuse to make a habit

of being oppressed or oppressive

to wear chains and pretend

they’re bracelets

nothing orange is stylish

these meals aren’t gifts

and these captors aren’t our pals

don’t give a fuck how their day is

or if they’re breathing

that pepper spray isn’t cologne

these beatings aren’t for show

the fire got put out in our cans

but the power is in our hands

till they rob the air we breathe

i’ll stand on the side of action

lessons learned today

mental weakness overcome today

will make a better me tomorrow

for refusing to be broken

and refusing to make a habit

of being oppressed

or of being oppressive

such will keep me free

no matter what they bring

Urgent update regarding Eric King’s mail being rejected!

Urgent update regarding Eric King’s mail being rejected!


The CCA Leavenworth mailroom has been blocking some of Eric’s incoming mail, censoring publications for ridiculous reasons (or for no stated reason at all), and even blocking some of his outgoing mail. 

Recently, a book about the Black Panthers was rejected because the prison evidently considers them a “hate group.” Around that same time, right­wing Christian literature with homophobic rhetoric made it through to another prisoner. Eric is clearly being targeted for his political beliefs and interests.

If you have been writing to Eric and have not heard back from him, it is very possible that he has not received your letters or you have not received his. The prison (and the state apparatus of which it is a part) is trying to isolate Eric from his supporters. We can’t let them do this.

Please help by: 

* Writing Eric so many letters! Please flood the prison with mail/letters/cards/love. This can serve the dual purpose of overwhelming the prison mailroom and helping Eric remember that he’s not alone. Keep track of what you sent to Eric and when you sent it so you can check with him later or call the prison to inquire about why your mail was blocked.

You can write to him at:

Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, KS 66048

* Checking the support site often. If this harassment continues, we will be taking other measures to ensure this censorship stops immediately. CCA has been sued in the past for censoring mail and violating prisoners’ constitutional rights, so they know as well as we do that what they’re doing is wrong.

Please spread the word and help put the spotlight on CCA’s draconian mailroom practices. Prisons greatly prefer to function outside the public eye where they can torture, abuse, neglect and isolate prisoners without consequences. Don’t let them get away with that this time. Send Eric a letter or card today!


For a world without cages!

Love and Solidarity,

EK Defense Committee


New Support Material and Update on fundraiser

So first of all I would love to announce that our primary fundraiser goal has been met thanks to his amazing comrades! We are so excited overwhelmed by everyone’s solidarity be it donating to the fundraiser,  making sure Eric stays connected by dropping him a letter or even by sending him a book. We will continue to be taking donations and also “selling” t-shirts on his fundraiser.

We received an amazing zine that was beautifully  put together and sent to us by Causerie Publishing. We wanted to share it with all of Eric’s supporters. Take a second to read it, pass it on, or print it out for tabling. It is a great collection of his poems and writings.

eric king writings zine

We do want to add that we had a little bit of outdated possible sentence info up and he is actually facing life. Luckily thanks to the group Supporting Vegans in the Prison Sytem Eric never had to go on the hunger strike!

“We Forget” a poem by Eric King

Hometown heroes forget we exist within morality

the person shooting up was once someone’s everything

cuddly kids call the president a primate, cause they hate his pigment

not racist if it’s politics just more social biggots

one pump of blood away from being a fleeting memory

once pump and pull away from an unwanted family

villains in our lives aren’t just symbols they’re existing

placing more importance on critical moments

instead of having joy in simply loving

rascal radicals ditching ethics and street battles

rather duplicate love w/bubble gum flavored capsules

loving all life in 8 hour segmants

then rushing off to the bathroom to get in line for seconds

as soon as the crash begins re-up or we’re all dead

every moment sober is a moment to forget

born with so much privilege we’ve forgotten how to live

all our positivity is wrapped with foil in the fridge

road splits to decency but we’ll never cross that bridge

can’t fight the state when our hands shake too much to make a fist

one more bump to get us going + we’ll swear life is bliss

creating all our drama so we created this

to be happy in this moment to recall what love is

Support shirts are in!!

Support Eric King T-Shirts are Here!

We’re excited to announce that the Eric King support t-shirts are in!
Show your solidarity by ordering one today! We’re asking for a $20
donation per shirt. All proceeds go to EK’s support, including
commissary and phone calls.

To order a shirt, donate online at
and then email us at erickingsupportcrew(A) with your shirt
size (S, M, L, XL) and mailing address. You can also email us to get
a mailing address for donations by check or money order.

In other good news, EK is out of solitary confinement! He now has
greater access to recreation, is able to be social once more, and has
been reunited with a friend who is also serving time there. Send him a
letter or card to help him celebrate this change in his conditions and
to let him know he’s not forgotten!

Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, KS 66048