Eric King’s trial info

If you want to hold space for Eric and virtually attend trial the phone number 877-336-1828 and enter access code 9449909#


On Monday March 14th during jury selection the public may only attend virtually , call 877-336-1828 and enter access code 9449909# this is expected to conclude around 10/11/12 and will be open to the public afterwards.


This is such a big moment for Eric, he has been so cut off from the world for so long. Allowed no outside communication outside of family been in segregation for three and a half years 🖤 finally he gets to tell his story.


Due to covid regulations physical access to the courtroom will be limited to 26 seats to be shared by defense and prosecution. Folks looking to attend have permission to respectfully sit in the hallway and wait for a seat as well as the lobby. If you are sitting in the hallway or lobby it is very important to stay quiet while court is on session. If the way you want to hold space for Eric is in person we have the decorum from the judge here. PLEASE read all of it if you are planning on attending in person.


We want to support Eric in this really big moment ☀️ be with him in any way we can. Through the trial anyone can call in, call 877-336-1828 and enter access code 9449909#.


Because this is a federal jury trial in person attendance comes with the responsibility of respectful behavior. Including clothing. The courthouse has identification requirements. There’s a little bit of homework to do first. We want this trial to happen. This is a moment he has been waiting for for so long.


So please please read the whole decorum if you are planning on attending in person there are VERY specific rules.


Everyday the trial will be available for public observation via this phone line, call 877-336-1828 and enter access code 9449909#.



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