Eric King 27090045
FCI Englewood
9595 w Quincy ave
Littleton co 90501
Ridiculous list of things Eric is into
- Soccer/Football – Thumbs up- Manchester united, celtics, Sporting KC. Thumbs down Leeds, Chelsea, Arsenal or Manchester City :p
- Dad Jokes
- Crawly things
- Puns
- Alliterations
- New science stuff you have read about
- Comedians, Comedies, Anything funny
- Boxing news
- The moon
- memes
- “non-bro country”
- Folk punk
- So much music
- yes even Taylor Swift
- Witchcraft
- Making lists
- Bad Cartoons
- Scrabble
- Hearing about the misfortunes of officers/nazis
- saying “I head this story on NPR the other day”
- Stories of animals punking humans
- The american football team who shall not be named from Kansas City
- Poetry
Talk to Eric about things he is reading..
We will find a better way to provide this, but these are the books most recently sent to Eric from his booklist

Please write on only white paper
Please use a white envelope without a label
Please refrain from talking about his current case
Please be aware that not only will Eric be reading said letter, but so will the Prison, Feds, Prosecutor ect
No cards π
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