Eric’s Plea Signing Date 3/3/2016



After almost a year and a half of pre-trial detention in shitty conditions, court battles and other legal woes,   and facing threats of forty years in prison, Eric King has finally decided to accept a non-cooperating plea agreement to ten years in federal prison.

If you live nearby, please consider attending Eric’s hearing in Kansas City, MO next Thursday, March 3rd at 1:30p.m. The media and cops are likely to be well-represented, and it would be a meaningful moment to show Eric that he is not alone. Having supporters there may also create some pressure for the court to conduct itself better.  It will also be useful to Eric and his support crew to have more people in attendance taking notes and keeping an eye on the proceedings.

The hearing will be:

Thursday, March 3rd

1:30 p.m.



When: Thursday, March 3rd, at 1:30 pm

Where: Courtroom 8A – District Judge, Gary A. Fenner

U.S. District Court, Kansas City , Missouri

400 E. 9th St. 64106


Please note that valid photo identification is required to enter the courthouse and all persons and belongings are subject to search. Also, we’d like to encourage everyone who’s planning on attending the March 3rd court appearance to dress nice, and conduct yourself appropriately in the court room out of respect for EK, the person we are there to support.


Even if you cannot attend on this short notice, please consider donating some money to Eric’s new support fund . He urgently needs funds to prepare for his long prison term as well as immediate support needs. You can also send him a book or a letter. Check out his Amazon Wish List for ideas. Eric is currently in the hole and needs all the reading material he can get.

You can write to Eric at:

Eric King
CCA Leavenworth
100 Highway Terrace
Leavenworth, KS 66048

Link to Eric’s fundraiser page

Sometime in the next couple months, Eric will have a sentencing hearing where the judge will officially determine his sentence, after which he will be transferred to a federal prison . Please keep your eyes open for another call out asking supporters to attend.

Make no mistake, neither Eric nor his support crew take the decision to accept this plea lightly. Despite being far better than the other legal options available, ten years is way too long for our friend and comrade to be stolen from us. Eric is being steamrolled by the state and its functionaries, and there is very little we can do about it. Yet we can and will remain in solidarity with him.

From the beginning, Eric has been concerned about accepting a plea that may establish a legal precedent that other anarchists may have to deal with in the future when facing similar charges. Therefore, he has seen this legal battle as impacting not only himself, but all of us. Nonetheless, facing the possibility of a thirty or forty year sentence, Eric has determined that this is the best possible outcome that is available to him.


We are proud of Eric for how bravely he has faced these charges. He has refused to cooperate with the state, worked hard to maintain a vegan diet, and stood up for himself and his friends in prison in the face of violence and intimidation by the guards and administration. And he has done it with contagious laughter, joy and poetry. We now face the long, hard road of supporting our friend and comrade for the next ten years of his life. Please take some time to donate and write Eric a letter.

Until we are free,

EK Support Crew

Am I angry or hungry a poem by Eric King


Am I angry or hungry

starving and shaking

throw a punch

or take a bite

cook a meal

or start a fight?

In what world does

canned spoiled fruit and beans

count as a meal?

How hard does bread need to be

before it is a rock?

Do I fight for something more

or swallow my dignity and food?

CCA you corrupt fucks

where’s the Oregon militia

when you need it?

I ate much better on the streets

when I was homeless & free

can I even complain

do I have ground to stand on

or thin air?

“how did McDavid handle it when the judge said 19?” a Poem by Eric King



This is a feeling you can’t escape

its an empty loneliness, I know it

me by myself despite a strong team

back in the boxing ring

keep hoping that i’ll wake from this

how did McDavid handle it when the judge said 19?

This is fear I can feel it

eating through my stomach

like a starving lion lurking

I float in the warm blood below

that puddles beneath my cold carcass

nothing I have to say, sadly

is worth the struggle for a last breath

when all there is to eat is poisonous plants

do you skip a meal or go for broke?

Vomiting up the last of my hopes

torn between defiance and defeat

battle cries and fate’s cruel jokes

all of my heroes have records

my internal infrastructure sparks riots

when I wake the smokes scattered

and I have to face reality

survival is a must

acceptance then progress

it hurts though

New Support Material and Update on fundraiser

So first of all I would love to announce that our primary fundraiser goal has been met thanks to his amazing comrades! We are so excited overwhelmed by everyone’s solidarity be it donating to the fundraiser,  making sure Eric stays connected by dropping him a letter or even by sending him a book. We will continue to be taking donations and also “selling” t-shirts on his fundraiser.

We received an amazing zine that was beautifully  put together and sent to us by Causerie Publishing. We wanted to share it with all of Eric’s supporters. Take a second to read it, pass it on, or print it out for tabling. It is a great collection of his poems and writings.

eric king writings zine

We do want to add that we had a little bit of outdated possible sentence info up and he is actually facing life. Luckily thanks to the group Supporting Vegans in the Prison Sytem Eric never had to go on the hunger strike!

“We Forget” a poem by Eric King

Hometown heroes forget we exist within morality

the person shooting up was once someone’s everything

cuddly kids call the president a primate, cause they hate his pigment

not racist if it’s politics just more social biggots

one pump of blood away from being a fleeting memory

once pump and pull away from an unwanted family

villains in our lives aren’t just symbols they’re existing

placing more importance on critical moments

instead of having joy in simply loving

rascal radicals ditching ethics and street battles

rather duplicate love w/bubble gum flavored capsules

loving all life in 8 hour segmants

then rushing off to the bathroom to get in line for seconds

as soon as the crash begins re-up or we’re all dead

every moment sober is a moment to forget

born with so much privilege we’ve forgotten how to live

all our positivity is wrapped with foil in the fridge

road splits to decency but we’ll never cross that bridge

can’t fight the state when our hands shake too much to make a fist

one more bump to get us going + we’ll swear life is bliss

creating all our drama so we created this

to be happy in this moment to recall what love is

A poem about freedom by Eric King

One day the water that feeds

             the grass

Will wash away the stain

     of captivity off me

The clouds will open their arms in a

                      Warm embrace

Years of hurt and abstract existence

        will be wiped clean

I can’t smell freedom but one day

                   we all might

Days can’t be bought on the free market

       But they can be stolen at gun point

Trees can’t grow in a day, but we clean

                   out forests in mutilating seconds…

One day the water that feeds the world

             will purify my soul


Un-titled poem by Eric King

There’s more to life than Judgements

And gavels

Dogmas and logos, division and


There’s more to love than ego & control

Connections between beating hearts

And the rain that feeds the soil.

Existence is observance

And love can mean just learning

Either we let go or we grow

– EK